Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Caturday Report! Game Of Groans; The Peter Dinklage And Grumpy Cat Photo Hoax

From Mashable:

"Peter Dinklage and Grumpy Cat did not take a selfie together. Sorry to break your heart, Internet.

A photo purportedly showing the Game of Thrones star posing with the world's most famous cat appeared on Twitter on Friday. Media outlets began running headlines like "Tyrion Lannister Cheats On Ser Pounce With Grumpy Cat" and "Peter Dinklage Taking A 'Selfie' With Grumpy Cat Is The Best Thing You'll See Today."

 Will Oliver, the man in the original image with Dinklage, told Mashable that the selfie was taken at the X-Men Live event in May.

"I ended up meeting Peter Dinklage while there and asked to take a photo with him," Oliver said. "Since I'm on the tall end (I'm about 6'6), he then went to take the photo for me selfie style. The ORIGINAL photo that we took is posted on my Instagram account."

Oliver says he doesn't know who Photoshopped Grumpy Cat into his image, but he described the response as "nuts."

See the original photos and more HERE

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