Monday, August 4, 2014

Billionaire Killed By Flying Champagne Bottle Cork

(I guess you can do more than put your eye out)

"The accident took place during a sumptuous party that was being held to celebrate Mr. Loeng’s 50th birthday, that would have taken place on August 2nd. Nearly 200 guests were present, including most of Hong Kong’s political and economic elite, when the celebrated, after a brief speech, opened a bottle of champagne and was hit violently in the head by the cork. Many witnesses actually laughed at first, greatly underestimating the severity of the injury,  but an eerie silence rapidly overcame the crowd as Mr. Loeng remained unconscious and the medical staff was urged on the site. Despite all the efforts of the paramedics, his death was confirmed less than twenty minutes later while he was being carried to the hospital."

No credit due to them fucking with my HTML.

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