Thursday, August 28, 2014

Death Valley's Rolling Stones Finally Caught On Tape "Rolling" Along

Scientists captured the movement of stones along the Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park. With this evidence, they can now explain the mechanism behind the rocks' mysterious motion.

"As it turns out, the movement requires the perfect concatenation of events. First, the playa has to fill with water, which must be deep enough to form floating ice during winter, but still shallow enough that the rocks are exposed.

When the temperature drops at night, this pond freezes into thin sheets of "windowpane" ice, which then must be thick enough to maintain strength, but thin enough to move freely.

Finally, when the sun comes out, the ice melts and cracks into floating panels; these are blown across the playa by light winds, propelling the rocks in front of them.

And it's surprisingly gentle: the sheets of ice are only 0.25in (3-5mm) thick, moving under winds of 10mph (3-5 metres per second), pushing the rocks along at a speed of only a few inches per second -- a speed which is almost imperceptible at a distance unless you know what to look for."


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