Monday, August 11, 2014

Girl Swept Away By Mega-Tsunami Finally Returns Home 10 Years Later

On December 26, 2004, a massive earthquake off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia triggered one of the deadliest tsunamis to date. In the town of Aceh, 4 year old Jannah and 7 year old Arif tried to ride out the giant wave with their parents in their home, however the flood proved too powerful and the siblings are washed out to sea instead.

Their parents presumed them dead, like so many other victims of the tragedy, but it turns out the pair were found the next day by a crew of fishermen who took them to their island.

Jannah and her brother were split and went to live with different residents of the fishing village, and for the next 10 years of her life, Jannah was raised by the mother of the man who rescued her.

Until last week that is. Earlier in June of this year, Jannah’s uncle happened to be in the village and noticed a teen girl who looked like his lost niece. After a talk with local authorities, it was confirmed that she indeed was Raudhatul Jannah who was swept away.

Jannah is now living with her parents and a little brother she has never known. Her parents hold out hope that Arif can now be found as well.

Thanks TOMO NEWS! <3

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