Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Knife Slips Off Balcony Into Mans Head Walking Below


"Last Thursday morning, 57-year-old Xiao Yunzhi was taking a stroll in his home town of Guangyuan, Sichuan province, when his head started feeling strangely heavy.
But it was only when the local tobacconist stared at him, slack-jawed, and pointed to the top of his skull that he realised that something was amiss.
As Mr Xiao was passing underneath a high-rise apartment block, a five-inch kitchen knife had fallen from an eighth-floor balcony, embedding itself up its hilt in the left side of his head, but without piercing his skull.
As soon as the problem had been pointed out, pain washed over Mr Xiao and he sat down in the street, while someone called an ambulance."


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