Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Woman Sings Opera To Sooth The Savage Mountain Lion

"The lion stalked the hiker for about 20 minutes, during which it would often jump forward and crouch whenever Kopenstonsky attempted to move backwards. She told deputies that when she first saw the animal, she picked up a large branch and attempted to look big. That did not seem to faze the cat, so Kopenstonsky said she did the next thing that came to her mind.

“I don’t know why, I just started singing opera really loud,” Koestonsky later told KUSA. “It kind of put its ears down and just kept looking at me, and it sort of backed away. Then, it came around the bushes an came towards me again and crouched about 10 feet away.”

Although the singing did not repel the animal, it may have deterred the mountain lion from directly attacking the hiker."

Read the police report HERE

For the rest of the story go HERE

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