Thursday, September 11, 2014

Penis Shaped Gummy Mix-up Outrages Parents

Ho ho ho...

"A confectionery company is dealing with a sticky situation after penis-shaped gummy lollies made their way into some of its packs, costing the company thousands of dollars in recalls.

The company had apologised to the customers and compensated them with free lollies.

Collecting up all the bags of lollies and dumping them at the tip had cost the company thousands of dollars, Van de Geest said.

"We've done everything that could possibly have been done ... these things happen."

The manufacturer had also apologised and refunded the company some money, Van de Geest said.
The main concern now was that stockists of the company's lollies would cancel their orders as a result of the incident, he said.

"We want to put it to rest."

The lollies were not considered offensive in China, where the shape was a symbol of fertility and health. In fact, they are marketed and sold around the world as Penis Gummies."


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