Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Floating Bicycle "Superhighway" Proposed For London Cyclists

The streets of London are often crowded, making it difficult for cyclists to maneuver through the traffic. But now a group called the River Cycleway Consortium Ltd. made up of engineers, artists, and architects have proposed the solution of building a floating highway for bicycles along the River Thames.

The streets of London are often crowded, making it difficult for cyclists to maneuver through the traffic.

But now a group called the River Cycleway Consortium has proposed a solution which entails building a floating highway for bicycles along the River Thames.

The Consortium released a statement saying: "The river Thames, London’s main transportation thoroughfare from Roman times up to the 19th century, is overlooked today as a major travel artery except for a handful of passenger boats."

The project would reportedly cost around 960 million dollars, which would be covered by private investors and could be recouped by charging people the equivalent of around two dollars and forty cents for a single ticket.

There are still a few issues with the floating highway idea that need to be solved.

Obstacles like the HMS Belfast, a museum inside of a sunken battleship on the river, along with conditions like storms or waves might be cause for safety concerns.

The announcement of the project also says that the floating bike path will be able to generate its own power harnessing wind, solar, and tidal energy.

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