Monday, October 8, 2012

Bungling Sofa Thieves Caught On Video

Total LULZ! sofas from £99..This is genuine CCTV footage taken at 11.45am on Sept the 29th 2012 of 2 men trying to steal a pair of leather sofas from THE SOFA KING showroom in Northampton. I thought my prices were SOFA KING low enough but these two stupid idiots obviously don't think so and thought they would help themselves! Luckily J the manager of the showroom managed to stop them and get the sofas back!! Well Done J!! Xmas Bonus for you! There were three of them in the van, they got away but let's show the world these scumbags!!


  1. Hahaha! Dead giveaway. People who work with furniture don't pack sofas that fast :)

  2. What a daring daylight robbery by a trio (including the driver) of dumbasses. Now watch it all come out to be a con by SOFA KING, it's too perfect.
