Monday, October 14, 2013

Man Peeing On The Road Gets Choked, Then His Car And Dog Stolen By Enraged Onlooker

Next time use a Gatorade bottle

"A man said after he stopped to relieve himself in the middle of Calhoun Avenue, an enraged man choked him and then stole his car with his dog in it.

Ronald Reynolds, who is deaf and cannot read, said he stopped in the 4000 block of Calhoun "to go to the restroom (number one)."

He said he "was using the restroom" in the street when it apparently upset a man who spotted him doing it. He said the man put his hands around his neck and began strangling him so he could hardly breathe.

He said the man then got in his 2004 Honda Accord and drove off (since he had left the keys in the ignition with the engine running).

A passenger in the vehicle was the owner's 13-year-old dog.

A witness, who declined to give his name, said the suspect might be "Frank."


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