Monday, October 14, 2013

Obese Man Told To Buy Two Airline Seats And Does. They Give Him Seats In Row 19 And Row 17

Only a chainsaw could solve the problem

"‘When I got to the airport I had to explain to all the staff why I had two tickets,’ he said yesterday. 

‘They didn’t have a clue. When I finally got on the plane one was an aisle seat and the other was by the window – in a three-seat row. 

'On the way back from Ireland one seat was in row 17 and the other in row 19.’ 

Mr Price, of Brynithel near Newport, South Wales, said the incident was one of many everyday difficulties he has faced since he began struggling with his weight."


  1. I'd probably laugh at the staff but seriously? That's just down right rude.

  2. For real.But then again, having to buy two seats for yourself on an airline in the first place should give one pause.
