Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Step 1: Put A Red Light Ticket Camera By Hospital's Emergency Entrance. Step 2: Profit!

"Jacob Alcahe was worried he was having a heart attack, so he rushed himself to University Hospital in Tamarac.

"I really couldn't breathe, I was sweating, just a lot of things going on," said Alcahe.

A few weeks later, Alcahe said he experienced similar symptoms when he received a $158 ticket in the mail. It appears the camera on University Drive at Northwest 72nd Street captured him running the red light at the entrance to the hospital.

"I was just kind of scared and I wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible," said Alcahe.
To make matters worse, the city's magistrate refused to dismiss the ticket even after he showed them his discharge papers from the hospital.

 "I went to the hearing and they just told me it wasn't a good enough excuse," Alcahe said.

Fort Lauderdale ticket attorney Ted Hollander, of The Ticket Clinic, believes the city put the camera there specifically to nab drivers so desperate for medical help, they'd run a red light."

Read all about the kickback scheme HERE

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