Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Walmart Madness #123! Man Yells Profanities At Self Check Out Machine, Then Loses Tooth In A Fight

"Damn new-fangled gadgets!"

"Frustrated that he could not complete his transaction, a man began cussing out the machine in a self-checkout line at the Wal-Mart on West Kellogg on Monday afternoon, police said.

That didn’t sit well with another customer, Capt. Doug Nolte said. The 35-year-old Hispanic male confronted the angry customer at about 2:30 p.m. in the store at 6110 W. Kellogg.

The dispute continued as the men left the store, Nolte said. A third man joined the argument and eventually punched the man who had cursed.

The punch knocked out a tooth of the 36-year-old man, who was white and “was throwing out some racial slurs after the fight started,” Nolte said.

That language “heightened the confrontation,” he said. The man who threw the punch was a 40-year-old black man not in the store at the time the incident began.

The puncher and the man who confronted the angry customer both left the scene before officers arrived, Nolte said. There were several witnesses, he added."


Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2014/03/04/3324687/wal-mart-customer-angry-with-self.html#storylink=cpy

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