Friday, January 25, 2013

Here's Flamy, The Childrens Burn Ward Mascot

 Flamy,  also known as Chaminha,  is a mascot at the Fundacao Hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil that currently receives over 100 burn victims a day.

"many of [the children] have been injured by flammable alcohol. So, it’s Flamy’s job to visit patients and teach them all about fire safety."

Now what all those Brazilian kids are doing with flammable alcohol is beyond my comprehension,  as is this mascot.


Dr. Theda said...

The 'head-piece" makes him look like a grumpy red onion...

David said...

^ I was thinking Flaming Hot Cheetoes. I LOVE THOSE THINGS!

I wonder how many kids have been terrorized by that mascot though? I thought clowns were bad enough *shudders*.

Dr. Theda said...

being taught safety by a representation of what injured them in the first place... talk about traumatic...

David said...

For real. If some kid gets hit by a bus, you don't dress up like a bus and go visit them do you? :)