Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Giant Rubber Ducky Explodes Yet Again! Oh, And Happy New Year!!!

I have been following the up and down saga of the giant rubber ducky for quite some time! Here are links to past stories if interested:


 Down again,  but not out!  Never say die Rubber Ducky!!

"A giant yellow duck on display in a northern Taiwan port exploded on Tuesday, just hours before it was expected to attract a big crowd to count down the new year.

The 18-metre-tall duck on show at Keelung burst around noon and deflated into a floating yellow disc, only 11 days after it went on display.

It was the second time that a giant inflatable duck - a bath toy replica created by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman - had burst while on show in Taiwan.

"We want to apologise to the fans of the yellow rubber duck... the weather is fine today and we haven't found the cause of the problem. We will carefully examine the duck to determine the cause," organiser Huang Jing-tai told reporters."

Read it all HERE

News Reporter Passes Out During Interview, But The Show Must Go On

From the video description:  "*Note* KUTV Reporter Brooke Graham works six days a week and is one of our hardest workers. She is doing fine following this instance and has given us permission to post the video on her behalf. She is seeking medical attention to look into what caused her to pass out.

Read more from Brooke on her blog here: http://twintestedblog.com/the-faintin..."

Woman Is Smashed To Death By Drawbridge While Screaming For Help

What a way to go. :(

Is that a huge gear in a sidewalk I see to the left?

"A woman walking on the Meridian Street Bridge in East Boston was crushed to death this afternoon when the lift bridge was closed on top of her as she clung to one plate and screamed for help, according to Menino administration officials.

The incident took place around 12:21 p.m., and is now under investigation by Boston police, who are still at the scene at the bridge, which is also known as the Andrew McArdle bridge, that connects East Boston to Chelsea. Full story for BostonGlobe.com subscribers."


Monday, December 30, 2013

Church Pastor Drowns While Trying To Walk On Water

“An evangelist who tried replicating Jesus’ miracle of walking on water has reportedly drowned off the western coast of Africa. Pastor Franck Kabele, 35, told his congregation he could repeat the biblical miracle, and he attempted it from a beach in Gabon’s capital of Libreville. ‘He told churchgoers he’d had a revelation that if he had enough faith, he could walk on water like Jesus,’ an eyewitness told the Glasgow Daily Record.
‘He took his congregation to the beach saying he would walk across the Komo estuary, which takes 20 minutes by boat. He walked into the water, which soon passed over his head and he never came back."

Read more about the drowned dummy HERE

Train Derails And Oil Cars Blow Up Near My Town

No reports of injuries yet thankfully, but this isn't over yet. It was just a matter of time before something like this happened - I swear one of these trains goes through the area once every half an hour.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Robbers Bullet Bounces Off Victims Face And Kills His Accomplice

And yet again I can break out the old trusty and well used irony photo:

"Officials released the shocking details of the death of 16-year-old Clifton Chatman while announcing the arrest of one of the alleged thieves, who is also 16, on suspicion of murder and attempted robbery.
Due to his age, the suspect was not identified. Police did not say whether they believed he was the shooter.

The incident happened Dec. 14 near the Alemany public housing complex in Bernal Heights. Police said a group of suspects accosted a man at about 11 p.m., and that as they dug through the victim's possessions and took his phone, one of them pulled out a handgun.

The victim did not resist and complied with all demands, police said, but the gunman still opened fire. The bullet, though, glanced off the victim's face and struck Chatman, who was pronounced dead at the scene, officials said.

The target of the robbery was hospitalized, but is expected to survive. Investigators are still searching for the other males involved in the crime."

Comments and more at:


The Caturday Report! Stray Mama Cat Adopts Pit Bull Puppy, Wins £15,000 Grant For The Animal Shelter

Lurlene the cat took in an orphaned one-day-old pit bull pup - and now her heartwarming story has bagged her animal shelter a bumper cash grant:

Read the story HERE

Argument Over The Ten Commandments Turns Into Violent Bible Attack And Retaliation

I propose an 11th commandment

"Two residents of Cartersville may have not directly broken one of the Ten Commandments, but they did break the law when their fight over the sacred covenant turned violent.

According to police reports, Carolyn Unfricht and Daniel Camarda were inside a Cartersville hotel arguing about the Bible and specifically the Ten Commandments

Unfricht told police things got heated when she hit him across the face with her Bible. Camarda retaliated by throwing her across the room.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Man Dies From Poisoned Shoes

A resident in Dongying, Shandong Province was fatally poisoned after receiving shoes bought from the Internet on November 29.

After opening the shoe box, the resident, surnamed Liu, smelled a bad odor, vomited and experienced stomach pains, and died in hospital. 

Police discovered the poison had leaked at a dispatch center for YTO Express in Weifang, Shandong Province, and will revoke its license.


Woman Stabs Man With Ceramic Squirrel For Not Bringing Home Beer

That's nuts

"Helen Ann Williams, 44, was arrested Wednesday and charged with criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature.

North Charleston police were called to a home in the 2000 block of Clifton Street around 12:20 a.m. for a domestic disturbance.

An incident report states officers arrived to find a man with a large amount of blood on his shirt due to a "large deep" laceration from his left shoulder to left chest area. He also had cuts on his face.
The victim told police he went to the store to get beer, but returned home because the store was closed.

The reports states Williams was mad the victim did not bring home beer. She then hit the victim over the head with a ceramic squirrel, and stabbed him in the chest with it."


Woman Hypnotizes Priest Then Steals Church's Christmas Donations

A woman stole a Padua, Italy, church's Christmas offerings after hypnotizing a 71-year-old priest, police said.

The woman, described as a Roma, or gypsy, about 35, made off with 1,800 euros ($2,736) collected by Padua's Santa Giustina abbey during the Christmas period, the Italian news agency ANSA reported Friday, adding she entered the cloister area of the church where the presence of women is forbidden.

The priest learned of the theft and alerted police after he came out of the hypnosis-induced trance, ANSA said.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Doctor Carves His Initials On Patient's Liver

He now has time to take that woodburning course he'd been interested in

"A British surgeon has been suspended over allegations that he "branded" his initials onto a patient's liver, media reported on Tuesday.

Simon Bramhall faces an investigation after a colleague discovered the initials "SB" on the organ during a follow-up operation at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, central England, newspapers said.
The hospital's managing trust said in a statement: "Following an allegation of misconduct, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust has suspended a surgeon while an internal investigation is completed."

The Daily Mail newspaper said Bramhall used non-toxic argon gas to sear his initials onto the liver."


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Facebook Status Update: "Help! I'm Falling Off A..."

" If she had been able to type fast enough, a young Taiwanese woman's Facebook status update would have read "I am falling off a pier." Police in Melbourne, Australia, say the tourist was so engrossed in her smartphone that she walked straight off a pier and almost drowned, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. Luckily, somebody witnessed the fall and called police, who plucked her out of the water around 100 feet from the pier."


440 Pound Virgin Sends Would Be Lovers Head Through A Wall

I hate it when that happens. :)

"Gerakaris was 22 and living in her parents’ Long Island basement at the time. [His girlfriend] made her move by stripping down to her bra and panties and waiting on her bed until Gregg got the hint.

“I knew he was a virgin and I honestly didn’t care,” Gerakaris says. “We were dating for a little while and he hadn’t put any moves on me yet so I made a move.”

When things began to heat up, Casarona thrust the 110-pound Gerakaris backwards with all 440 pounds of his girth. And Gerakaris’s head went right through the basement’s sheet-rock wall.

“My initial reaction was, ‘I killed her,’ ” Casarona tells The Post. “‘This is my first time. And Jen is dead.’”

Read it all HERE ,  including information about the new TLC series “Sex Sent Me to the ER,” premiering Dec. 28.

Canadians Would Rather Sleep Than Party, Poll Shows

They also protest from their tents,  eh.

"Most Canadians would rather get a good night's sleep than go out to party, a new poll suggests.

The Conference Board of Canada said that during a typical work week, more than a quarter of people surveyed said they go into work feeling tired either every day (15 per cent) or most days (11 per cent).
Two-thirds said they'd pick a good night's sleep over a fun night on the town, says Karla Thorpe, the group's director of leadership and human resources research, in a blog titled, "Running on Empty."

Read it all HERE

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It Happened Again: Drunk Man Shoots Off His Penis

We have another winner:

"37-year-old Geronimo Narciso had been boozing with friends Pangasinan, in the Philippines, when he pulled out his homemade .22 caliber firearm and let off a few shots in the air.

After, while restoring his weapon in his trousers after his frightened friends begged him to, the gun accidentally fired into his crotch.

He was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.

"He was about to put the gun back in his pants when he accidentally pulled the trigger. He shot his private part,” said Remelio Mendoza, Rosales Police investigator."


Monday, December 16, 2013

How Many Brussle Sprouts Does It Take To Fill A Mini Cooper?

A Slough greengrocer spent a day finding out how many Brussels sprouts it takes to fill a Mini.

Lawrence Jones was challenged to put a festive twist on the classic challenge of how many people can be squeezed into a Mini.

And he can now reveal that the answer to the poser - for those that have always wanted to know - is that it takes 38,182 sprouts to fill a Mini.

The vegetables weighed the equivalent of 29 festive reindeer and if laid out end to end, would be the length of a mile of tinsel.


You Spilled My Mountain Dew So I'm Gonna Hack You Up With My Machete!

"George R. Brents, 57, was arrested Saturday after a fight broke out when his step-daughter's husband opened the door of the pickup they were riding in and a case of Mountain Dew fell out onto the ground, causing one can to break open.

According to court documents, Brents became angry, jumped out of the truck and pursued the other man, swinging a machete, which still had the cover on.

Brents then removed the cover and again swung the machete at the man, who had to jump backwards to avoid getting cut. The man was cut on the hand when he tried to grab the machete from Brents.

The man told a Gallatin County deputy sheriff that Brents kept screaming that he would kill him."


Mans Severed Hand Kept Alive Attached To His Ankle

I wonder if he could scratch his foot?  Probably not.

"Xiao Wei lost his right hand in an accident at work but could not have it reattached to his arm right away.

Instead, the hand was kept alive by stitching it to Mr Wei's left ankle and "borrowing" a blood supply from arteries in the leg.

A month later, surgeons were able to remove the hand and replant it back on his arm, according to Rex Features.

According to the report, Mr Wei's doctors from the Changsha region say he will need to undergo several other operations but they are hopeful that he will regain full function of his hand."

Read it all at the BBC

Bad Santa Gets Handjob In Store Window

Quote from the movie Bad Santa: "Gin: You know what I see when I look at you? America's got a sad future ahead of it."

Writing in to Bowery Boogie, Wilson claims he witnessed a SantaCon attendee getting his candy cane swirled by a handy little helper in the outward facing vestibule of a Duane Reade at 3rd and 14th.  What's next in store for the saga of bad santas?  Stay tuned and find out. :)

Info from  http://gawker.com

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bad Santas Brawl In The Street

Six drunk Santas engage in a jolly good fight in New York City. This happened during the annual SantaCon Christmas-themed bar crawl.  Merry Christmas! :)

The Rise Of The Spermbots

"To create the spermbots, the team made microtubes 50 microns long, by 5 to 8 microns in diameter from iron and titanium nanoparticles. They added the tubes to a fluid containing thawed bull sperm.

Because one end of each tube was slightly narrower than the other, sperm that swam into the wider end become trapped, headfirst, with their flagella still free.

To control the orientation of the microtubes, the team used external magnetic fields. It works much as a compass needle aligns with Earth's magnetic field. This enabled the team to control the direction in which the sperm swam.":

Read much more HERE

Rooster Testicals Siezed At Border

"The testicles, which were intended to be eaten, were confiscated and destroyed when the man declared them to officials coming through Auckland International Airport last month.

The man had them in a chilly bin along with fish and other food which he was bringing back for his family, a Ministry for Primary Industries spokesman says.

The testicles - which bear a resemblance to baked beans - were destroyed because of the risk of disease.

According to the Revoltingfood blog, rooster testicles are known as chicken beans in the US.
They have an appearance and texture similar to tofu and "connoisseurs like them barely cooked so there's still some liquid inside so that you feel the liquid squirt into your mouth when you bite down on it."


Man Steals Human Bones To Fund Drug Addiction

Not very humerus after all

"A former school employee is facing federal charges for allegedly stealing human bones from the anatomy laboratory at Ohio University.

Twenty-eight-year-old Weston Henri Moquin was charged this week with counts of transporting remains across state boundaries and stealing property from a federally funded agency.

Court documents say the Athens man took the bones between July 2011 and June 2012. Defense attorney Keith Yeazel told The Associated Press on Friday that his client sold the bones to support a drug habit. The Dispatch reports a settlement agreement would require Moquin to pay more than $84,000 in restitution."


Walmart Madness #118! Man Mad At Not Winning Employee Of The Month Shoots Up Winners Car

Willie 'Shootemup' Mitchell

"A Florida Walmart employee exploded in a fit of rage after his colleague was made 'Employee' of the Month' instead of him.

Such was the bad blood between Willie Mitchell and a female co-worker, that he ended up shooting her car.

According to a Broward Sheriff’s Office arrest report Mitchell is charged with discharging a firearm from a vehicle."

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Walmart Madness #117! Walmart Hatchet Attacker Injures Three!

"Marshall police Detective Sonya Johnson said Monday that Christopher Hamilton of Crawford, Ark., allegedly had the hatchet with him when entering the store. Two female workers and a male shopper were attacked early Sunday.

Authorities are trying to determine a motive. Police don’t believe Hamilton knows the victims.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. spokeswoman Betsy Harden says one worker was treated and released while the other should soon be discharged from a hospital. The customer was slightly hurt trying to help the workers and he didn’t seek medical help."


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Own Your Own Dead Mouse Chess Set

This delightfully deceased taxidermy chess set is sure to get peoples attention. Every mouse was a unique creature in life, making each piece of this set a one of kind creation. Hand stuffed by me, but created by the guy upstairs (or whoever you believe created mice).

The set includes 16 light colored mice and 16 dark mice, in various sizes, pawns being the smallest. Set comes complete with wooden hand painted chess board, and storage case (not pictured)

All specimens were acquired from a captive breeding facility that distributes frozen rodents for reptile feeding, so don't feel sad if these little guys were not battling it out on the chess board they would be deep in the belly of a snake.

For sale HERE

No Warm French Fries? Your Axing For It!

A Golden Arches Ax Attack:

"The 26-year-old man was dissatisfied with the reaction of staff at the McDonald's drive-through in a northern suburb of Paris after he complained about the tepid chips. 
So dissatisfied was he that he got out of his Renault Master van and swung a small axe at the drive-thru counter several times, shattering the window.

He then rounded on the restaurant itself, hurling the tool through the doors and into the middle of a group of terrified late-night customers. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

What Happens If You Make A Doggy Snow Maze?

We have enough snow to do this now!  Here's some dog owners making the best out of a boring winter:

Glass Meth Pipe Breaks Inside Womans Vagina

As if you need another reason not to hide a glass meth pipe in a body cavity, a North Dakota woman was discovered bleeding from her vagina Monday after she rear-ended a car on a Fargo roadway, police report.

When police responded to the crash scene, they arrested Jeana Marie Smart, 26, after a warrant check revealed that she had failed to appear in court on a pending narcotics and drug paraphernalia case.

After transporting Smart to the Cass County jail, Officer Michael Benton spotted blood on the back seat of his patrol car. “When I asked Smart about this, she said she was on her period,” Benton noted in a Fargo Police Department report.

But as Smart (seen above) was walked to the booking area, blood continued to drip from her “crotch area onto her legs and the floor.” She subsequently “admitted she had ‘a pipe’ in a body cavity,” Benton reported.

Jail personnel then “recovered a broken, clear glass meth/crack pipe and a capped syringe from Smart’s vagina.” The pipe was booked into evidence, while the needle was discarded.

Read the police report and more over at THESMOKINGGUN

Yet Another Woman Gets Glued To A Toilet Seat

At least the seat was down in the new case

"A woman found herself in a sticky situation after going to the restroom at The Home Depot store at Banks Crossing last week.

Someone had apparently put glue on all of the toilet seats in the women’s restroom and she didn’t realize it until she became stuck on the seat. Emergency medical services personnel were called to the store to help remove the woman from the toilet seat, according to an incident report filed at the Banks County Sheriff’s Office.

The woman had to be taken to a Gainesville hospital for treatment."

Facebook May Add A "Sympathize" button

Personally I think it's a good idea.  It's would seem awkward pressing "Like" when someone has bad news,  of course you don't want to disturb them with what you would feel to be an vapid or intrusive comment,  but want to acknowledge that you hear them and understand.

"Perhaps what we need, what Facebook needs, what the world needs, is a Sympathize button. And, according to an engineer at the company, it’s something that the company has explored in the past.

Speaking yesterday at the company’s annual Compassion Research Day, Facebook engineer Dan Muriello said that another engineer for the company had whipped up the button at a previous compassion-themed hackathon. The announcement was first reported by Bianca Bosker at the Huffington Post.

It makes sense the company might consider a new button because Facebook users ask "Like" to do a lot. And, sometimes, that can be a problem. Since “like” is the only way to recognize you saw something on Facebook without writing or sharing something,"

Read it all at THEATLANTIC

Skydivers Land Safe After Airplanes Collide - Extended Cut

I can't believe I did not post this yet.  Maybe I was subconsciously waiting for a better clip?  Well I got one:

"When two planes carrying a total of 9 skydivers collided mid air, 12,000 feet above Superior, Wisconsin. The wings disconnected from one of the planes causing a fiery explosion. All 9 skydiver landed safely, as well as the two pilots, one of which was taken to the hospital to treat minor cuts."

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Dinner, From A Can!

I wouldn't be able to wait for the bread sauce lair to mix with the broccoli,  carrots,  and pudding layers.  What a culinary delight!

"The meal boasts nine layers – from a fry-up for breakfast through to turkey and veg and even mince pies for dessert – all in a tin, courtesy of retailer Game.

‘Almost half of British gamers plan to spend the majority of Christmas Day testing out new games and consoles,’ explained a spokesman for the company.

‘It’s the ultimate innovation for gamers across the nation who can’t tear themselves away from their new consoles and games on Christmas Day – the first all-in-one festive feast in a tin .’"

Read more about this "freaky naked stuck in classroom"  dream producer HERE

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Walmart Madness #116! 11 And 14 Year Old Boys Commit Armed Robbery At Walmart

“One of them displayed a knife and demanded she drop the merchandise. She just didn’t stop for whatever reason; she just kept going on. Fortunately, she wasn’t injured. They didn’t get any property,” said Justin Mulcahy, Anne Arundel County Police.

When the woman refused to give up the goods, police say the suspects took off, running across the street and through the woods to get to the Glen Burnie Mall. Two hours later, that same woman saw the boys and called police.

“They were inside of a Toys-R-Us. Officers got there and detained them outside the Toys-R-Us and she did positively identify them as the two young males who attempted to rob her earlier,” Mulcahy said.

And police say when officers searched the suspects, they found the knife on the 11-year-old."

Read more and see video of this story HERE

Man Who Raped Goat Faces His Victim In Court

He was caught when a local resident found him naked in a field having sex with the grazing goat, who was tied up, according to The Star.

The goat’s owner was alerted and arrived at the scene with other residents who also witnessed Gona having sex with the animal.

He was arrested by police and a medical examination confirmed sexual abuse had taken place.


One World Trade Center Makes Eerie Ghostly Noises

One World Trade Center on a windy day last week. As you can hear, when the wind blows, the tower emits a spooky, high-pitched wailing sound. This isn’t the first time such a sound has been reported.

 “I live a couple of blocks from the tower, and first heard this very eerie sound during Hurricane Sandy last year,” writes Kenny Cummings. “I’ve heard it only once afterwards, sometime last winter. I assumed once the building’s framework and windows went in, the airflow would be redirected. At 3:15 a.m. Wednesday morning, I awoke to the sound. It was slightly different in timbre, with two tones this time. I couldn’t be sure what it was at first, but after a moment I realized it was the Trade Center…I’m sure all of downtown hears this—it’s unmistakable and very chilling.”


Afraid Of Having A Boring Funeral? Hire A Mini-Skirt Clad Marching Band To Liven It Up!

"In the past, funeral processions in Taiwan featured traditional Chinese instruments. Now, some sport marching bands, complete with baton twirling and go-go boots.

For the past few years, funeral service Yuan-Rong Life has offered a marching troupe called "Xiu Juan Female Music Band" for services. Yuan-Rong Life tells Kotaku that each session lasts about two to three hours.

There isn't a set plan, per say. It's what you are willing to pay. For small services, however, Yuan-Rong Life recommends less than eight band members, while it recommends over eight for large funerals."

Read more over at KOTAKU

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bank Vault Complete With 8 Million Coins Goes Up For Sale

"The safe, complete with eight million Swiss five-cent coins worth £270,000, is currently located in Basel but can be removed and replaced anywhere in the world.

It was built in 1912 and features 1,619 deposit boxes with all keys available. The boxes and lockers were handmade from steel and brass.

The vault is being sold by the Generation Basic Income Initiative, who campaign for a basic income for each Swiss citizen on a monthly basis.

In October, they placed eight million five-centime pieces into the bank vault, one for each citizen in Switzerland, before dumping the 15 tons of money in front of the parliament building in Bern.
Now the vault and its contents are up for sale with the price negotiable on application."


Man Steals Truck To Evade Zombies

"A Minnesota man accused of stealing a newspaper delivery truck from a gas station told police he took it because he was running from zombies.

Garrett Howard Hurlbut, 23, of Apple Valley was charged with stealing a motor vehicle during the September incident, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

A police report said officers found Hurlbut near the truck, several blocks away from the gas station where it was reported stolen.

Hurlbut told police he had "jumped or fell from the truck" and was "running from zombies," the report said.

A New Game Where You Just Wait In Line Sure To Be A Hit

I can't wait to play it over and over!

"Interactive artist Rajeev Basu has teamed up with a Denver-based musician called Alex Anderson (AKA ManCub) to create a video game soundtracked by Anderson's first single, "Friends Listen".

The video game, called Waiting in Line 3D, is a first-person punching game about a man waiting in a queue. Because waiting in line is so dull, the player has to punch themselves in the face to stay awake. You have to be careful not to punch too often, or you'll kill yourself."

Read all about it over at WIRED