Thursday, May 30, 2013

Deer Smashes Through Bus Window, Seems Unhurt

The video is in slow motion so you can imagine how fast the little guy was thrashing around in there.  What is not shown is the end where the bus driver opens the doors and lets it out:

Meet The Giant Fluorescent Pink Slug

"Giant pink slugs are about 20 cm long (7.8 inches), only found on top of Mount Kaputar," says Murphy in an interview with Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "On a good morning, you can walk around and see hundreds of them, but only in that one area."

"As bright pink as you can imagine, that's how pink they are," he added, noting that each night they crawl up trees in large numbers to feed on mold and moss.

But giant pink slugs aren't the only squishy inhabitants unique to that particular mountaintop. According to Murphy, the forest there is also home to several cannibal snails, battling it out in slow-motion to see who can eat the other first.

Read more HERE

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Farmer Addicted To Eating Live Scorpions

Tired of getting stung by scorpions around the village of Agelam, near the Iraqi city of Samara, the farmer decided to turn the tables and give them a taste of their own medicine.

One day, he caught a live scorpion, put it in his mouth and ate it alive. He actually liked the taste and he has been snacking on them ever since.

Obviously, he was stung in the mouth a few times throughout the years, but Ismail says that helped him develop an immunity to the scorpion venom.

These days, the man is addicted to his unusual diet, and says he eats at least one scorpion a day. If he goes three days without consuming a nasty critter he experiences signs of withdrawal.


Followup: Sewer Pipe Baby Doing OK - Mother Found!

The original story about the baby being flushed down a toilet can be found HERE

"The Chinese woman who raised the alarm about a newborn stuck in an apartment sewer pipe confessed to police on Wednesday she was the mother, according to the state-run, Jinhua-based Zhezhong News. The baby’s two-hour rescue earlier this week was broadcast live on state-run Chinese television, generating a global wave of compassion for the child and condemnation for his parents. 

Police became suspicious of the woman when they found blood-stained toilet paper in her room at the apartment complex. The 22-year-old high school graduate and restaurant worker told police she became pregnant after a one-night stand, but when she alerted the father he would not take responsibility. She wanted to get an abortion but could not afford one, so she hid her pregnancy with loose clothing. 

On Saturday, she delivered the baby boy in the building’s 4th floor public squat toilet. The woman said she tried to catch the baby, but he slipped out of her hands and down the pipe. When she couldn’t pull him out, the woman cleaned up the bathroom and told the landlord she heard a baby crying. The woman, whose name has not been released, hovered close by during the entire rescue. She later told police she wanted to raise the baby but didn’t know how. The child, referred to as Baby No. 59 based on the number on his incubator, was taken to a nearby hospital where he is doing well. "

Read much more about "Baby #59" HERE

Missing Man Walks Up To News Crew Reporting On Him

The look on the reporters face when he realizes it is the missing man is PRICELESS!

"Missing for more than 14 hours, 73-year-old Robert McDonough was found alive and safe by a news reporter. The search for the Limington, Maine resident ended incredibly on Tuesday morning... when he walked up to a news crew that had been reporting on the story surrounding the search for McDonough.

 WMTW News 8 anchor/reporter Norm Karkos had given an update on the situation just after 6:30 a.m. when McDonough walked up to the crew and spoke to Karkos, identifying himself. He'd been reporting missing around 4 p.m. on Monday, and a search took place overnight":


Sex In Moving Car Results In Woman Being Ejected In An Accident

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police say he was having sex with a woman while driving drunk and crashed, ejecting the woman from the vehicle.

The Albuquerque Journal reports ( 25-year-old Luis Briones was found with one shoe on and his shorts on inside-out Monday night after he wrecked his Ford Explorer in Albuquerque.

Police say Briones' female passenger was found naked outside the sport utility vehicle after being ejected. She had deep cuts to her face and head.

Authorities allege Briones tried to drive away after the crash and abandon his passenger, but a witness grabbed his keys from the ignition. He also allegedly tried to hide from responding officers behind a cactus.

Briones is charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated, reckless driving and evading police.


Much more on this,  including the police report can be found at THE SMOKING GUN

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Man Fights Off Hungry Cougar With His Skateboard

The big cat jumped the man from behind while he was walking with a skateboard along a dirt path through woods in Banff, Alberta, on Thursday, according to Bill Hunt, a Parks Canada field unit manager.

“He hit the animal with the skateboard and stunned him,” Hunt said.
The man, who is in his mid-20s, was listening to music through earbuds. His jacket hood was pulled over his head, Hunt said, possibly making him look inviting to a cat that is stimulated by motion.

 He says the man didn't suffer any injuries, but was reluctant to report the incident because he'd hit the cougar with his skateboard and worried he might have violated a wildlife law.

Meet The Blue Balled Monkey

One of the latest new species discovered by scientists in 2012 is a monkey with a blue backside and blue balls, or testicles. The Lesula monkey, which was discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo, also has human – like eyes. It is on the list of the Top Ten species that were newly discovered by scientists last year.

The monkey with blue genitals joins the list that was announced by the international Institute for Species Exploration at Arizona State University. The publication of the list comes just in time to mark the birthday of the founder of the modern system of species classification, Carolus Linnaeus.
Natives of the DRC had known of the monkey and often hunted it for its meat, but scientists just confirmed and described its existence in 2012.

Read all about many other newly discovered species HERE

Radioactive Metal Studded Belts Recalled

The most metal belts ever!

Online fashion retailer ASOS has withdrawn a batch of metal-studded belts from sale after they were found to be radioactive.

The leather belts could cause injury to the wearer if worn for more than 500 hours and are being held in a radioactive storage facility after testing positive for Cobalt-60, according to an internal report by the retailer.

The report, called Project Purple Flower and seen by the Guardian, said one of the brass-studded belts was pulled by US border control and tested positive.

It led to a worldwide recall of the items, with 49 sold across 14 countries, but it is not known how many have been returned.

An ASOS spokesman has said the belts were recalled at the beginning of the year and all those who had bought them had been contacted.


Newborn Baby Flushed Down Toilet, Cut Out Of Sewer Pipe

Alarmed neighbors saw a tiny foot and called the fire department. Unable to pull the baby out, rescuers went to the floor below and sawed away the entire section of sewer pipe.

 But still, the baby remained wedged inside.  So, sewer section and baby were taken to the local hospital where firefighters and surgeons, working together, carefully began removing the pipe piece by piece.

An hour later, success!  A newborn baby rescued, the afterbirth still attached.

Chinese media said he is a baby boy and is now in stable condition.

Police say they are looking for the parents. They say no one has yet to come forward to claim the child.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Two Mile Long Bridge Gets Blown Up In China

A concrete viaduct more than two miles in length was blown up with dynamite last night while the people of Wuhan in central China were asleep.

The mammoth demolition job set a national record for the longest reinforced concrete bridge ever demolished.

It took just a few seconds for the full length of the two-lane viaduct to be leveled.

The Zhuan-yang viaduct runs through the midst of the city and engineers had to take special measures to prevent nearby homes being destroyed.
In order to prevent flying debris, all of the piers supporting the bridge were wrapped with cotton, wires and sand bags.

The full 2.2-mile stretch of the bridge was also lined with a cloth apron and giant bags of water, which created a vapour mist during the explosion.

The Snail Man

Several years ago, the 38-year-old man's wife died, then he lost his job. Finally, he lost his house, according to the Austrian Times. The news outlet reports that he began to travel in search of work and sleep under bridges or in empty buildings.

But the frustrated and innovative Lingchao didn't want to live that way forever, competing for public space with others and becoming soaked in the rain. So he built himself a bamboo hut to sleep in — and he hasn't left home since.

For when it's time to leave, Lingchao lifts his house onto his back and travels onward, selling recyclable drinking bottles on the road, according to the Daily Mail.

Read more at the internal links,  and HERE

Talk Show Host Drinks From Womans Breast On Primetime TV

Declining a bottle of her milk placed on the side, de Leeuw leaned in and started drinking from one of the woman’s breasts.

Moments later he transferred to her other nipple, to loud cheers from the audience, before joking: ‘I find the second one better tasting, but I can taste that you’ve eaten asparagus yesterday.’

Many social networking users complained about the breast feeding, however participant Wendy hit back on Twitter insisting ‘it was for a good cause’.

Read More HERE

Bonus Caturday Report! Cat Breastfeeds Orphan Ducklings!

Hahaha!  Now this is a video that will quack you up!  A cat from Clara in Co. Offaly has adopted 3 ducklings and is breastfeeding them. This was captured by RTÉ Radio 1 - MOONEY Show:

The Six Million Dollar... Coffee Pot?

Gimme Dat Coffee Pot!
An 18th century silver Rococo coffee pot is expected to become the most valuable piece of English silver ever sold at auction when it goes up for sale in July, auction house Christie's said.
 The ornate George II pot made in 1738 by one of the greatest silversmiths of his day, Paul de Lamerie, is expected to fetch up to 4.5 million pounds ($6.8 million) when it goes to auction on July 4 in London, Christie's said on Wednesday.

That sale would trump the silver wine cistern of 18th century diplomat Thomas Wentworth, which sold for 2.5 million pounds in 2010 but went instead to a British museum which won time to raise funds when the government deferred export approval.

Read more HERE

Man Has Sex With Hornet's Nest, Dies From Stings

"Hasse" which was known in Ystad tavern circles, had a total of 146 wasp sting on the body including 54 on his genitals and scrotum. He was so bloated that a neighbor thought it was a whale carcasses lying on the lawn.

After the autopsy of the body as well asa technical investigation at the scene, the police have come to the shocking conclusion that the "Hasse" tried to engage in intercourse with a wasp nest. They found remnants of semen on some of the dead wasps. They even found a couple of "Hasse" pubic hair in the entrance of the nest and fingerprints of both hands.

Beware The Thong Cape Scooter Man

A man who wears thong underwear and a cape while riding his scooter through Wisconsin's capital city may be a strange sight. But police say he isn't breaking any laws.

Earlier this month, staff at John F. Kennedy Elementary School in Madison called authorities after the man rode by in his unmentionables while students were walking to a bus.

Police spokesman Joel DeSpain tells the Wisconsin State Journal ( ) that a sergeant had a chat with the person police call Thong Cape Scooter Man. He admitted he used poor judgment in going past the school but said he did it unintentionally.

The city attorney told police the man broke no laws.

So it seems Thong Cape Scooter Man is free to ride on.
Information from: Wisconsin State Journal,


The Caturday Report! Policeman Shoots Cat With Crossbow

A South Texas police officer has been put on administrative leave after being charged with shooting an arrow into a neighbor's cat.

Police in Boerne say Officer Lance Deleon was not on duty when the cat named Bobby was wounded. Police Chief Jim Kohler says the cat was shot using a crossbow.

Officials with South Texas Veterinary Specialists say the 2-year-old male cat has been treated for a punctured lung and broken front right leg. Vets say Bobby is expected to recover after being shot Tuesday.
Deleon was charged with animal cruelty and freed Wednesday after posting $2,000 bail.


Read the big story on this at the DAILYMAIL

Friday, May 24, 2013

Man Pulls AK-47 On Neighbor For Plinking Rabbits

According to the arrest report, the incident began when a man was shooting an air gun from his back porch at rabbits that were damaging his garden on Cliff Avenue.

 His next-door neighbor, Rodney Wold, saw him shooting at the rabbits, went inside his home and came back out with an AK-47, according to the report.

“He loaded the magazine with, I believe it was, 19 rounds and went back outside and pointed it at his neighbor and said, ‘If you want to hunt something, hunt men,’” police spokeswoman Carey Klain said.

When police arrived, Wold let them search his home and the AK-47 was found between the mattress and box spring of a bed.

Police Steal Sleeping Bags And Food From Homeless

Adam Jaskowiak was one of the men targeted [by the police raid] and said he pleaded with police to be able to keep his things but was ignored.

He was sleeping with eight other people finding shelter for the night in the former Ilford Baths in High Road, Ilford.

All of their belongings were bundled into a police car leaving the men, one in his 60s, stunned.
A police chief told the Recorder the operation was carried out to “reduce the negative impact of rough sleepers”.

But Mr Jaskowiak, 34, said: “They were just taking the sleeping bags and chucking out everything. I asked to keep it and the food, but they said ‘no’.

“I just grabbed as many of my things as possible and put them into a bag and ran.”

Read the whole story HERE

Pineapple Crush!

A 39-year-old Jersey City warehouse worker was taken to the hospital this afternoon after 1,500 pounds of pineapples fell on him, a hospital official said.

Jersey City Medical Center EMS was notified about the incident at 3:40 p.m. and responded to 107 West Side Ave., hospital spokesman Mark Rabson said.

The man never lost consciousness and was in stable condition at the hospital this evening, said Robert Luckritz, director of the hospital's EMS Unit.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Woman Pregnant For 46 Years Gives Birth To Mummy

In 1955 in a small village just outside Casablanca, 26 year old Zahra Aboutalib is pregnant with her first child. She was looking forward to giving birth, but after 48 hours of painful labour, she was rushed to the local hospital. Doctors informed her that she would need a caesarean section. On the ward Zahra saw a woman in terrible pain die in child-birth. She fled the hospital fearing she would meet the same fate if she remained.

In the days that followed, Zahra continued to suffer excruciating labour pains but the baby remained resolutely in her womb. After a few more days the pains ceased and the baby stopped moving.
In Moroccan culture, it is believed that a baby can sleep inside the mother to protect her honour. Zahra believed this myth and put the pregnancy out of her mind. She adopted three children and in due course they made her a grandmother.

Many years later when Zahra was 75 years old, the pains suddenly returned. Her son being concerned for his mother's well-being wanted her to see a specialist. For this they had to travel to Rabat where they saw Professor Taibi Ouazzani. He suspected the protruding belly was being caused by an ovarian tumour and arranged for her to have an ultra-sound scan. This revealed a large mass that he could not identify.

He referred Zahra to a specialist radiographer for a second opinion. He could see it was a calcified structure of some sort, but it took a detailed MRI scan to reveal that it was the baby Zahra had conceived 46 years earlier.

 Professor Ouazzania was faced with a difficult decision when deciding if it would be safe to try and remove the [calcified] foetus. The foetus weighed 7lb and measured 42cm in length.

 Read more HERE

Forklift Operator Plunges Into Soy Sauce

Witnesses said the man, identified as Danny Rodriguez of The Bronx, was moving pallets with the forklift when the hole opened up in the warehouse space rented by a trucking company, AM Express Freight.

Witnesses described the hole as being 30 to 40 feet wide and six to 10 feet deep. It was filled with a dark, oily liquid that authorities later said was cooking oil and soy sauce that was being stored in the warehouse and fell into the hole when the floor gave way.

Rodriguez managed to get out without serious injury, authorities said.

“Fortunately for the operator, the forklift went straight down and didn’t tip to the side because then he could have really been hurt,”


90 Year Old Legend Christopher Lee To Release Heavy Metal Album

Turning 91 definitely shouldn't be an obstacle in releasing a heavy metal record, just ask Christopher Lee. The iconic actor, known for his roles in such cinematic classics as "Lord of the Rings," "Star Wars," "Dracula" and "The Hobbit," is set to celebrate his 91st birthday with the release of his second metal album.

Titled "Charlemagne: The Omens of Death," actor's sophomore record will drop on May 27 featuring a total of 10 tracks arranged by Judas Priest guitarist Richie Faulkner. You can check out a preview video with comments from Lee himself below.

"The first 'Charlemagne' album is metal, of course, but what I sang was more symphonic," the actor said. "Now on the second one, 'The Omens Of Death', it is one hundred percent heavy metal. I've done my bits and pieces, and they are heavy metal. I'm not screaming or anything like that, but it is definitely heavy metal."

Read More HERE

Little Girl Crushed By Suicide Jumper

A seven-year-old South Korean girl was killed instantly after being struck by the body of a man as he plunged from his 10th floor apartment in an apparent suicide, a report said on Thursday.

The 40-year-old man jumped from the flat in the southern port of Busan on Wednesday evening and hit the daughter of his neighbour who was emerging from the apartment building, SBS TV station said.

The man, identified by his surname, Jang, died immediately. The girl, who was with her father, was taken to hospital but pronounced dead soon after arrival.

Jang had long been treated for mental illness and depression before the accident, SBS quoted an area police official as saying.

Woman Ran Over Three Times By Her Own Car

A woman is recovering following a bizarre accident in which she was run over three times by her own car.

Trois-Rivieres, Que., police say the newspaper delivery woman was making her rounds this week and jumping in and out of her car frequently to drop copies of Le Nouvelliste on subscribers' doorsteps.
But things went awry during one parking attempt.

Her transmission wound up in "reverse" instead of "park" as she got out. The woman got smacked by the car's open door as it backed up and ran over one of her legs as she was knocked to the ground.
She attempted to pull herself up and reached into the car to shift the gears. But she fumbled and was struck a second time, resulting in her being run over again. A third attempt produced the same results.

Residents of the area awakened by the woman's distress cries at 4 a.m. rushed to give her aid when she limped to a home.

The car, which continued to move at increasing speed in a widening circle, was finally stopped by Trois-Rivieres police.

The woman is being treated for serious injuries to her leg.


Tiger Had Basketball Sized Hairball

a 400-pound tiger needed help from veterinary surgeons in Florida when he couldn't hack up a basketball-size hairball by himself.

The 17-year-old tiger named Ty underwent the procedure Wednesday at a veterinary center in the Tampa Bay area community of Clearwater. Doctors said in a statement that they safely removed the 4-pound obstruction from Ty's stomach.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Processed Meats Are Too Dangerous For Human Consumption

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has completed a detailed review of more than 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer.1 Bottom line: Processed meats are too dangerous for human consumption. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives.

Processed meats include bacon, sausage, hot dogs, sandwich meat, packaged ham, pepperoni, salami and virtually all red meat used in frozen prepared meals. They are usually manufactured with a carcinogenic ingredient known as sodium nitrite.2 This is used as a color fixer by meat companies to turn packaged meats a bright red color so they look fresh. Unfortunately, sodium nitrite also results in the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the human body. And this leads to a sharp increase in cancer risk for those who eat them.

Read all about it HERE

Rat Meat Sold As Lamb

Police in China have discovered shoppers who thought they ate lamb actually consumed rat, fox and mink meat.

Teacher Suspended For Touching Student With Banana

The student alleges that [the teacher] Hampton "rubbed [her] head and neck area with a banana," leaving her embarrassed and humiliated.

"That is disgusting, very disgusting," said the grandmother of a student at the school. "I don't think he should be allowed to teach kids. You don't do stuff like that and get away with it."

Hampton's lawyer (and stepfather) Mark Fiedelholtz says the entire thing was blown out of proportion, and that Hampton tapped a student with a banana from his lunch to get her attention, and that sometimes a banana is just a banana.

"There was nothing else to it," the attorney said.

Read more at GAWKER

Woman Robs Bank While Wearing A Bright Green Ball Gown

Stuart police are looking for someone who robbed a local bank while wearing a bright green dress, officials said.

Officers responded to a report of a bank robbery at First State Bank in Stuart around 3:45 p.m. Monday, authorities said.

The suspect handed the teller a note demanding money and the teller complied, police said. The suspect fled and a witness later reported seeing the suspect climb into the trunk of a car parked in a nearby alley.


The Worlds Fastest Toilet

Backyard inventor Colin Furze has been working late into the night to build a toilet which is set to break the Guinness World Record for the world's fastest toilet! With an automatic flush, 140cc engine, 4 gears and toilet roll holder exhaust Colin Furze is looking to break another speed record.

Walmart Madness #91! 'High' Speed Chase Over 37 Dollar Printer

A loss prevention employee at Wal-Mart on Natchez Drive contacted them after spotting 48-year-old Clint Coslett (above, right) and his 32-year-old wife, Prilla Coslett, (above, left,) stealing a $37 computer printer.

Officials say when the husband (above, right) saw the responding officer arrive, Coslett put the 2006 Chevy Silverado in gear and fled, nearly striking the officer who was approaching the vehicle on foot.

According to investigators, the couple led Slidell cops on a high-speed chase across the city, “while throwing suspected methamphetamine and marijuana out of the vehicle.”

An off-duty officer on Shorcut Highway heard the pursuit over his police radio and pulled over in case the chase came his way, deploying his spike strips.  Police say the suspects’ vehicle came to a stop after running over the tire-deflation devices, and the couple was arrested.  


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Man Gets 7 Years For Beating Monkey To Death

Michael Watkins, 22, of Weiser, Idaho, in March pleaded guilty to attempted grand theft, a felony, and misdemeanor animal cruelty stemming from the break-in and beating death of the monkey at Zoo Boise in November.

The primate was one of the zoo's two Patas monkeys, ground-dwelling animals from Africa that stand more than 2 feet tall and weigh about 35 pounds. They are rare in zoos but not endangered in the wild.

The case shook officials at the zoo and triggered an outpouring of sympathy and donations from animal lovers worldwide.

Watkins scaled the security fence at Zoo Boise in the pre-dawn hours of November 17 and attempted to steal the monkey, which bit him, police said. Watkins then kicked and hit the animal, severely wounding it, according to police. The monkey later died of blunt force trauma, zoo officials said.


Russians Drive To Canada - Over The North Pole

Russian explorers headed home Thursday after proving it is possible to drive from Russia to Canada across the North Pole, in buses with bloated tires over drifting ice, using a pickaxe to clear the way.

Their two-and-a-half-month hitherto untried odyssey aimed to road test the hand-crafted vehicles on ice and water, conduct a few , and bring together a band of adventurers drawn to the vast and pristine Arctic, expedition leader Vassili Ielaguine said during a stopover in Ottawa.

 During the trip the team encountered dangerous situations including a large chasm in the ice which initially seemed impossible to cross. As they pondered what to do however the ice suddenly shifted, temporarily bridging the gap. Quickly the men revved the engines and charged across not a moment too soon, as only two minutes later the ice shifted for a second time, re-opening the chasm they had only just crossed.

Read more about it HERE  and HERE
At one point "Heaven helped us," said Ielaguine, describing coming upon a wide chasm that appeared too dangerous to cross and almost forced them to take a long detour, risking that they might run out of fuel.
Suddenly the ice floes shifted beneath their feet and closed over the ahead of them. They kicked the vans in gear and drove, but barely two minutes after crossing to the other side the gap opened up again.

Read more at:

Baboon Home Invasion!

Keep your windows and doors closed if you live in Cape Town. :)  Behold the end,  the gang leader wasn't taking any of that blowhard guff!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Burglar Locks Homeowner In His Gun Closet - Guess What Happens? :)

Three burglars entered a man's home in Houston, Texas, on Tuesday afternoon and quickly locked up the man who lived there. They believed they locked him up in a closet, but the closet was actually home to the man's gun collection.

The man waited for awhile, and then emerged from the closet carrying a gun. He went downstairs to see if the burglars had left, and when he saw one of them, the two began exchanging gunfire.
Though the robber tried shooting the man, the homeowner won the gunfight as he shot the burglar in the shoulder and leg.

Not being a very supportive team, the two other burglars fled the scene in a Chevrolet Tahoe and left their injured accomplice to fend for himself.

The burglar ran out of the house but soon collapsed on the street, crying in pain.

The man, said to be in his 20s, was taken to Ben Taub Hospital for treatment.

Read more HERE

Fire Ants Are Being Overrun By Crazy Ants

Invasive “crazy ants” are displacing fire ants in areas across the southeastern United States, according to researchers at The University of Texas at Austin. It’s the latest in a history of ant invasions from the southern hemisphere and may prove to have dramatic effects on the ecosystem of the region.

The “ecologically dominant” crazy ants are reducing diversity and abundance across a range of ant and arthropod species — but their spread can be limited if people are careful not to transport them inadvertently, according to Ed LeBrun, a research associate with the Texas invasive species research program at the Brackenridge Field Laboratory in the College of Natural Sciences

The study by LeBrun and his colleagues was published in Biological Invasions.

“When you talk to folks who live in the invaded areas, they tell you they want their fire ants back,” said LeBrun. “Fire ants are in many ways very polite. They live in your yard. They form mounds and stay there, and they only interact with you if you step on their mound.”

LeBrun said that crazy ants, by contrast, “go everywhere.” They invade people’s homes, nest in crawl spaces and walls, become incredibly abundant and damage electrical equipment.

Read the whole crazy invasive ant story  HERE

Bonus Caturday Report! Kitten Stuck In Washing Machine For Entire Cycle!

Eight-week-old Gollum is thought to have hidden in a pile of laundry to escape the noise of owner Lauren Gavin hoovering.

Lauren, 22, then tipped the load into the washing machine and put it on a full colour wash without spotting her inside.

When she opened the washing machine half-an-hour later Gollum fell out unconscious.
Horrified Lauren, of Larkfield, Kent, said: “When I saw her I was devastated. She was meowing so faintly I could barely hear it, and she was hardly breathing. It was just so unexpected.
Lauren rushed the tortoiseshell to a nearby vets' clinic.

Gollum was so cold and had so much fluid around her lungs that it took an hour to raise her temperature.

But after being fitted with a drip the wet pet eventually came to and returned home the same night.
Lauren added: “She is practically back to her normal self.

“I’m so grateful to the vets for saving her life.”

Verity Page, practice manager at Sandhole Vets, said: “She is an amazing little kitten. She is like a miracle case. We are amazed she survived.”

Walmart Madness #90! Cross-dressing Shoplifter Abandons Little Boy

What they thought was a female suspect was confronted by Walmart security for trying to steal about $600 dollars in items from the store.  The cross-dressing suspect then abandoned a little five year old boy at the Walmart and fled in a black Mitsubishi Galant:

"It wasn't long until the boy's family was calling Walmart to ask about him, and they added an interesting twist that would make it hard for authorities to identify a suspect.

"During one of their conversations, they were advised that the suspect was in fact a male, and not a female, as originally believed," a deputy wrote.

Family members told police the man was the boy's uncle who "liked to dress in drag," but the boy's mother said she didn't recognize a photo of the man believed to be her brother, according to authorities.

The mom said her neighbor had picked up the boy from pre-k.

"(The woman) did not know how (the) juvenile came to be at Walmart and she did not have a telephone number or address for the individual who had her child," the deputy wrote. "(She) also refused to cooperate with the investigation and would not provide a telephone number for (one of the suspects), stating that she did not know it.

"The fact that (she) claimed not to know basic information about the person who she had entrusted her child to was unsettling, even if the probability of if being a truthful account was infinitesimal."
The boy, who the deputy said was calm, was given food, drink and toys while authorities investigated.
"When I arrived at the (loss prevention office), I observed (the) juvenile to be playing with the toys that he had been provided with. Juvenile seemed to be physically sound and did not seem to have been harmed," the report says. "He made idle conversation with all the adults present and seemed unnaturally accustomed to being around strangers."

Read more about it at the PATCH

Police Officer Abandons Car Chase To Help Duck

A Portland, Ore., police officer in pursuit of a speeding car, put the chase on hold to help a duck in distress.
In a dash-cam video released by the Portland Police Bureau, viewers are treated to what looks like the beginning of an exciting high-speed chase. A car zooms past a hiding police cruiser, and then Officer Mark James begins the pursuit.

But not long into the chase (the video above has been sped up), James sees a duck crossing the busy road. Rather than leave it to fend for itself, he pulls over and guides it to safety.

The Caturday Report! How Nora The Piano Cat Became An Internet Sensation

Atop the bench of her Yamaha, Nora tickles the ivories either seated or standing—using her paws and even her face—and she's been known to watch the piano lessons and play along with the students.
An American shorthair, Nora is owned by Betsy Alexander and Burnell Yow of Philadelphia, who adopted her as a kitten in 2004. Alexander, the piano instructor, says she and Yow came home one day to hear the piano playing in the next room and found Nora sitting on the bench.

In disbelief, Alexander began filming Nora and posting the videos on YouTube for her niece. The videos went viral and have more than 37 million views. Nora's online success has led to TV appearances with celebrities such as Conan O'Brien, Ellen DeGeneres and Tyra Banks, and she was the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' Cat of the Year in 2009.

Read more at USATODAY

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Giant Rubber Ducky Has Bad Night In Hong Kong

I have been following the Giant Rubber Ducky for some time now.  I hope he'll be ok! :)

Hong Kong's favorite new resident, a giant inflatable duck, took a turn for the worse on Wednesday, looking less like an oversized lovable plaything and more like an unappetizing fried egg on the water.
The 16.5-meter (54 feet) inflatable sculpture mysteriously lost its mojo overnight, deflated and bobbed lifelessly in Victoria Harbour.

Organizers called an urgent duck crisis meeting early Wednesday and didn't immediately respond to questions about the misfortunes of the duck or whether the deflation was part of regular maintenance, as reported in some local media. A tweet did appear however on the official Harbour City Twitter account, saying: "The Rubber Duck needs to freshen up. Stay tuned for its return."


Baby Born Drunk, 15 Times Over Legal Drink Driving Limit

Daily Telegraph:
A new born baby was found to be 15 times the adult drink drive limit after its Polish mother got drunk before the birth.

The mother was intoxicated during labor as she gave birth to a baby girl.

Doctors at a hospital in Otwock, on the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland called in police after the clearly-drunk expectant mother checked in to give birth on Monday.

Police spokeswoman Dorota Tietz said: "A blood test showed that the 38-year-old woman had a level of 1.2 gram of alcohol at the time of birth."

 As a result, the infant was found to have a level of 2.9 grammes, police said.


Mom Offers Toddler For Adoption On Craigslist

A 29-year-old mother who suffers from depression and anxiety says she placed a public ad offering to give her 3-year-old son up for adoption because she was off her meds, according to Houston police.
Stephanie Christine Redus was charged with advertising for placement of a child; a misdemeanor.

Police ran across a Craigslist ad seeking a good home for a 3-year-old.

The posting read “Hi. I’m trying to adopt out my 3yr old son. I’m not in a good place in my life and don’t feel like I can care for him properly but I don’t know where to start. If you or know anyone who is interested in caring for him please let me know. I’m a single mom and can’t do this. Thanks, Desperate.”

Read the whole story HERE

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Walmart Madness #89! Shoplifters Steal Items For Improvised Explosive Device (IED)

The Gainesville Police Department, assisted by the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Disposal Team and agents of ATF located andsafely collected an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in Gainesville Tuesday afternoon.

GPD officers were dispatched to the Walmart Supercenter at 1800 NE 12th Avenue around 11:30am Tuesday in response to two individuals that had been detained by Walmart store personnel. 

The suspects were caught stealing BBs, flare guns and other items that could be used in the
manufacture of an explosive device.

GPD detectives began interviewing Mason Scott Beuning, 18 of Gainesville and determined that Beuning had already manufactured an explosive device. Beuning told investigators that the
device was located at his residence,  3119NW 4th St in Gainesville. GPD investigators, ATF agents and members of the ASO Bomb Disposal Team responded to Beuning’s home and located a cardboard tube containing black powder. The tube was sealed at both ends and contained a fuse.

ASO Bomb Disposal Team members examined the device and confirmed the presence of an explosive powder. Bomb Disposal Team members then safely collected the device for further analysis. Beuning will be charged with one count of “Possessing a Destructive Device”
which is a third-degree Felony.

Beuning told the investigators thathe constructed the device as a “homemade firework”
and that he had been scared to detonate it.

The other person with Beuning was 18 year old  Wolfe O’Meara,  also of Gainesville. O’Meara has only been charged with misdemeanor shoplifting and possession of Drug Paraphernalia at this time.

GPD Chief Tony Jones praised the work of all the persons involved in the case, including Walmart staff, GPD personnel, ATF agents and the ASO Bomb Disposal Team.

“In the wake of recent national tragedies,  the Gainesville Police Department is taking no chance
when it comes to explosives” Jones said.

“The professional handling of this investigation by all involved partieskept Gainesville safe today.”


When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go

A middle aged woman was caught by video surveillance pooping on an elevator in Shenzhen China:

Pet Bird Ice Cream: Eat Parakeet, Cockatiel, and Sparrow!

Torimi Cafe is a place where you can enjoy a cup of joe and a plate of curry surrounded by 36 pet birds. However, the cafe decided to bring a taste of their birds to masses, selling three specially-made flavors at the Hanshin Department Store Small Bird Expo in Osaka from 8 to 13 May.

According to Torimi Cafe, they use all natural ingredients which cost a little more than normal ice cream ingredients. They were using the expo as a test run to see if the ice cream would sell well enough to recoup the costs. If successful these ice creams would be sold at their shop in Kobe and through delivery.

Read more at ROCKET NEWS

Fart In My Face? That's A Stabbin'!

A Florida woman told police she stabbed her boyfriend late last week because he “farted in her face.”

Deborah Ann Burns, 37, said she was watching television in her Florida home when her boyfriend, Willie Butler, walked by her and passed gas.

She then “confronted him about the fart and Willie became agitated, telling her to shutup,” the police report said.

It was then that Burns reportedly grabbed a kitchen knife and chucked it at Butler, hitting the 53-year-old in the stomach, according to the police report.