Saturday, June 28, 2014
Mountain Dew Dorito Cupcakes With Cream Cheese Frosting!
Rosanna Pansino of Nerdy Nummies makes Mountain Dew Dorito Cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, all while being adorable. <3 Here's the video and what she had to say:
"Today I made something a little weird and different, Mountain Dew Doritos Cupcakes! I really enjoy making nerdy themed goodies and decorating them. I'm not a pro, but I love baking as a hobby. Please let me know what kind of treat you would like me to make next."
The Caturday Report! Game Of Groans; The Peter Dinklage And Grumpy Cat Photo Hoax
From Mashable:
"Peter Dinklage and Grumpy Cat did not take a selfie together. Sorry to break your heart, Internet.
A photo purportedly showing the Game of Thrones star posing with the world's most famous cat appeared on Twitter on Friday. Media outlets began running headlines like "Tyrion Lannister Cheats On Ser Pounce With Grumpy Cat" and "Peter Dinklage Taking A 'Selfie' With Grumpy Cat Is The Best Thing You'll See Today."
Will Oliver, the man in the original image with Dinklage, told Mashable that the selfie was taken at the X-Men Live event in May.
"I ended up meeting Peter Dinklage while there and asked to take a photo with him," Oliver said. "Since I'm on the tall end (I'm about 6'6), he then went to take the photo for me selfie style. The ORIGINAL photo that we took is posted on my Instagram account."
Oliver says he doesn't know who Photoshopped Grumpy Cat into his image, but he described the response as "nuts."
See the original photos and more HERE
Friday, June 27, 2014
Protip! When At A Job Interview Do Not Strip Off Your Clothes And Sing "It's Raining Men"
Unless you are interviewing for a strip-tease job of course...
"Mr Mirza decided the Full Monty-style
strip would help set him apart from other candidates when he applied for
a job with NBS Recruitment in Crawley High Street.
The seductive taking off of his top and the enthusiastic rendition of the song sadly didn't result in a role with the company.
He did at least receive a letter congratulating him on his "disco-diva performance."
It read: "Thanks again for coming for an interview with myself. It was interesting to meet with you.
"Whereas we loved your karaoke version of It's Raining Men we feel the striptease was a little unnecessary.
"Thanks again for your time and I suggest moving forward you seek medical attention before attending other interviews."
The seductive taking off of his top and the enthusiastic rendition of the song sadly didn't result in a role with the company.
He did at least receive a letter congratulating him on his "disco-diva performance."
It read: "Thanks again for coming for an interview with myself. It was interesting to meet with you.
"Whereas we loved your karaoke version of It's Raining Men we feel the striptease was a little unnecessary.
"Thanks again for your time and I suggest moving forward you seek medical attention before attending other interviews."
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Screaming Man Drags Dead Raccoon Down The Street
A dead raccoon was taken into police custody last week after officers found a man dragging the animal along the Mukilteo Speedway.
Someone called 911 on Thursday to report the man screaming, according to the Mukilteo police blotter.
Officers found the man walking, dragging the dead raccoon on a leash.
When they approached the man, he placed marshmallows around the animal and declared it a “haz mat” or hazardous materials zone.
The raccoon was taken to a local shelter for disposal. The man was last seen getting on the bus.
Scientists Find That Disco Clams Are Actually Disco Ball Clams
"Feeeeeeed me Seymour!"
Close and numerous observations revealed that the disco clam doesn't shine its own light at all.
Rather, it reflects it via perfectly formed silica spheres that are embedded in its mantle folds.
The reflectors are only on one side of them, so as they move back and forth they appear to be flashing, making them more like a disco ball than the strobe light they were once thought to be.
Why they do this is still a mystery, but there are some strong theories.
Among them is that it's a protective measure. Brightly colored fish are often toxic, so it could be their way of pretending to be one.
Rather, it reflects it via perfectly formed silica spheres that are embedded in its mantle folds.
The reflectors are only on one side of them, so as they move back and forth they appear to be flashing, making them more like a disco ball than the strobe light they were once thought to be.
Why they do this is still a mystery, but there are some strong theories.
Among them is that it's a protective measure. Brightly colored fish are often toxic, so it could be their way of pretending to be one.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Woman Hops Barrier At Zoo To Feed Lions Cookies
"The unidentified woman's actions were reported by other zoo patrons, who saw her jump the barrier and heard her singing to the animals. After the barrier, only wire separates guests from the lions inside the enclosure.
"[She was singing] some song that was telling how much she missed them. It was bizarre," witness Michelle Beasley told Memphis station WMC-TV. "I've never seen someone singing to a lion. It was really loud."
Zoo spokeswoman Abbey Dane told WMC-TV the woman's behavior was dangerous for her and the lions. She said the woman won't be allowed back into the facility."
The Little Girl Getting Kicked Out Of KFC Because Her Scars Scaring People Was a Hoax By The Grandmother To Extort And Raise Money
From Gawker:
"The company publicly apologized for the incident and donated the money to help with the cost Victoria's medical bills. Apparently, the entire incident in the restaurant was cooked up as an elaborate publicity stunt to raise money. After the KFC franchise where the incident allegedly took place became suspicious of the timeline presented by Victoria's family, they hired an independent investigator, who has yet to release their final report.
But a source tells the Laurel Leader-Call that
the story completely falls apart upon basic fact-checking: Security
footage does not put Victoria or her grandmother, who claimed to be with
her, in the KFC (or even another KFC) the day the incident supposedly
occurred. And apparently, no one made their order—for mashed potatoes
and sweet tea—that day, either. No one even ordered mashed potatoes and
sweet tea as part of a larger order.
The family had been raising money on GoFundMe for Victoria's medical bills, and as The Clarion-Ledger reports, their widely-reported story gave a serious boost to donations:
More than $135,000 has been raised through the online donation site,, since June 13. The fund was created by Bates on April 28. The funding before the chicken caper came from seven donors for a total of $595.
Doctors have even agreed to waive their fees—a Las Vegas surgeon offered Victoria's family free plastic surgery. And the Frank L. Stiles Foundation has pledged to cover all the costs of reconstructing Victoria's face.
to Bill Kellum, the lawyer representing Kelly Mullins, Victoria's
grandmother, said that the family has not decided whether or not to take
the money from KFC. But apparently, KFC will honor the donation even if
the incident is proven to have been faked:
Dick West, who is the president of West Quality Food, one of the largest franchisees in the KFC chain and the owner of the local KFCs, also declined comment. However, on Saturday night, he made his feelings quite clear on the Facebook page of a Jackson television station when he posted "When the allegation was first made, KFC pledged $30,000 to go to medical expenses and started an investigation to find the truth. They have pledged the money even if it is proven that the incident never happened. At this point their story is full of holes. Any thinking person who follows their timeline can see it. The event at KFC never happened."
Good on KFC! Thanks to GAWKER for this update. Personally I hope the grandmother DIAFF.
Burglar Logs Into Facebook At Home He Was Burglaring - Forgets To Log Off. That's Just The Beginning:
(From Slate)
When homeowner James Wood
arrived back at his house, he discovered it had been ransacked. Credit
cards, cash, and a watch were missing. Strangely enough, a pair of wet
sneakers and a pair of wet pants not belonging to Mr. Wood were left
behind. “[I] kind of started to panic,” the St. Paul resident told WCCO.
However, when he went on to his computer, he noticed an important clue
as to who had done the deed, telling the station, “He pulled up his
Facebook profile, he left it up.” That’s right, Mr. Wig had forgotten to
log off his account.
Mr. Wood posted to Facebook
using Mr. Wig’s profile, leaving his own phone number in hopes that the
alleged thief would get in touch with him. When Mr. Wig texted him later
in the day, the homeowner replied, “You left a few things at my house
last night (the aforementioned sneakers and pants), how can I get them
back to you?” Mr. Wig agreed to meet with Mr. Wood later, presumably
under the assumption that they would make an exchange. However, when the
homeowner spotted the man who had done him wrong, he immediately called
Police arrived and arrested Mr.
Wig, who was wearing Mr. Wood’s watch at the time. He faces up to 10
years in prison and $20,000 in fines if he is convicted.
Watch the video over at YAHOONEWS
Walmart Madness #139! Man Goes Into Walmart Swinging Baseball Bat - Hits Random Girl On Head
"The video shows Mosley walking through the store with an aluminum
baseball bat prior to the attack. Rogers was checking out the DVDs when
Mosley treated her head like a game of tee-ball.
Mosley then dropped the bat and exited the store. He walked to his cousin’s home where he told the woman, Janaia Wright, that he’d been in some sort of an altercation at Walmart.
Wright then gave Mosley a ride to his home on the 3200 block of South 62nd Street. On her way home, Wright grew concerned after noticing emergency vehicles outside the Walmart on Rogers Avenue. She stopped by the local fire department and told a dispatcher that her cousin may have been responsible for the trouble and the store.
A photo of her cousin was similar to that of the suspect in the surveillance camera. Police went to Mosley's home and arrested him on charges of second-degree battery. He told police he went to school with Rogers, then he said it was gang-related, then he said he saw it in a movie and wanted to try.
Mosley’s relatives said that he has mental issues. He has pleaded not guilty and faces up to six years behind bars if convicted."
Watch uncensored video here:
Mosley then dropped the bat and exited the store. He walked to his cousin’s home where he told the woman, Janaia Wright, that he’d been in some sort of an altercation at Walmart.
Wright then gave Mosley a ride to his home on the 3200 block of South 62nd Street. On her way home, Wright grew concerned after noticing emergency vehicles outside the Walmart on Rogers Avenue. She stopped by the local fire department and told a dispatcher that her cousin may have been responsible for the trouble and the store.
A photo of her cousin was similar to that of the suspect in the surveillance camera. Police went to Mosley's home and arrested him on charges of second-degree battery. He told police he went to school with Rogers, then he said it was gang-related, then he said he saw it in a movie and wanted to try.
Mosley’s relatives said that he has mental issues. He has pleaded not guilty and faces up to six years behind bars if convicted."
Watch uncensored video here:
Monday, June 23, 2014
Woman In Porta-Potty Explosion Had To Get Head Stapled
*insert obligatory Taco Bell joke here*
"An Oregon woman was taken to the hospital
with non-life-threatening injuries after she was hurt during a
porta-potty explosion at a park in Aloha on Saturday.
"There was no wick, there was no smell, so it had to be something that was chemically reactive," Finch told KGW. "I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time."
After the park explosion, two other devices exploded in mailboxes in the area. According to Sgt. Vance Stimler of the Washington County Sheriff's Office, all of the explosions are believed to be connected."
Meet Peanut! The Worlds Most Ugly Dog Winner For 2014
"Gimme a kiss!"
This year's winner? A 2-year-old mutt named Peanut, whose wild white and
brown hair, bulging eyes and protruding teeth belie his sweet,
energetic personality.
Although Peanut is healthy now, his owner, Holly Chandler of Greenville,
North Carolina, says he was seriously burned as a puppy, resulting in
bald patches all over his body.
Chandler hopes Peanut's victory will help raise awareness about animal abuse.
"We're trying to use him as a poster child for what can happen to animals who are abused," she said."
See some of Peanut's competition over at SUNNYSKYZ
Student Gets Stuck In Giant Vagina
(Reborn into embarrassment)
"What was meant to be a funny dare turned into an utter embarrassment
for an American exchange student, who found himself trapped in a giant
stone vagina in Germany.
Firefighters had to be called in to deliver the man, head-first, to safety after his foot became trapped in the large marble sculpture at Tubingen University in Germany.
The unnamed man is believed to have been dared to climb inside the sculpture, which sits outside the university's institute for microbiology and virology.
But his legs soon became wedged in the carving and, despite labouring to free himself, the experts had to be summoned."
22 firefighters and many others showed up. Poor dude!
Firefighters had to be called in to deliver the man, head-first, to safety after his foot became trapped in the large marble sculpture at Tubingen University in Germany.
The unnamed man is believed to have been dared to climb inside the sculpture, which sits outside the university's institute for microbiology and virology.
But his legs soon became wedged in the carving and, despite labouring to free himself, the experts had to be summoned."
22 firefighters and many others showed up. Poor dude!
Saturday, June 21, 2014
The Orgasmatron; Chinese Hospitals Deploy Hands Free Automatic Sperm Extractor
Chinese hospitals are introducing a new machine which can extract sperm for donors.
According to China’s Weibo social platform the automatic sperm extractors are being introduced in a Nanjing hospital, capital of Jiangsu province.
The pink, grey and white machine has a massage pipe at the front which apparently can be adjusted according to the height of its user.
The Caturday Report! Finn The Cat Welcomes His Soldier Human Home. Adorable!
While cats may have an usually well-deserved reputation for indifference, especially towards magic and baseball, some cats really know how to love (or at least know how to figure out who is holding the cat nip).
Take for example, Finn, a giant grey furball of a cat, who is really really excited for his beloved owner to return home. Not only does Finn know that the soldier is about to walk through the door that he is meowing at vociferously, but he’s clearly dying for his chance to deliver up some much needed cuddles. This cat is determined to be a one-soldier, one-cat USO tour for love of owner and country, no cat nip required.
Take for example, Finn, a giant grey furball of a cat, who is really really excited for his beloved owner to return home. Not only does Finn know that the soldier is about to walk through the door that he is meowing at vociferously, but he’s clearly dying for his chance to deliver up some much needed cuddles. This cat is determined to be a one-soldier, one-cat USO tour for love of owner and country, no cat nip required.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Box Painted Like Futurama's Bender Delays Metro 3 Hours
"Bite my shiny metal clock hands!"
"The scare started at around 5:30 a.m. this morning when, according to the Connecticut Post,
a street-sweeper noticed a "box with a smiling face with clock hands"
on an overpass near the Fairfield
Metro-North station. He contacted the
local police, who agreed that the item was "suspicious," and a bomb
squad was dispatched to investigate. But even the most casual Futurama fan
could have told the authorities to worry less about the item exploding,
and more about the possibility of it suddenly coming to life and bending the tracks in half
took until 7:30 a.m. for the experts to show up and determine that the
Bender-esque box was empty. Its owner was later identified as a student
at nearby Tomlinson Middle School, who had left his creation outside
with the intention of coming back for it later."
$52,000.00 Worth Of Cocaine Cookies Seized At Airport
Isidro Rivera Hernandez, from Guatemala, was taken aside by U.S.
Customs and Border Protection at Newark Liberty International Airport
earlier this month after raising suspicion with his three checked bags
containing cookies. Upon inspection, the baked goods in question were
not just cookies, but also vessels for three pounds of cocaine.
U.S. Customs representative Anthony Bucci told the New Jersey Star-Ledger:
Officers discovered cookies in his three checked bags. Inside the cookies, officers found 118 small, oval-shaped pellets of cocaine. The pellets contained a total of 3 pounds of cocaine with an an approximate street value of $52,000, according to Bucci.
CBS New York reports
that Rivera Hernandez was turned over to Port Authority police and is
facing narcotics smuggling charges. No one appears to have tasted the
non-cocaine parts of the cookies.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Bra's Brazen Bra Burglar
A man has been placed under house arrest for allegedly stealing bras and knickers from washing lines. The place of his arrest? A town in the northern Italian region of Piedmont, aptly called Bra.
The 28-year-old, from nearby Pocopaglia, in the province of Cuneo, allegedly had “a house full” of women’s underwear, La Repubblica reported on Wednesday.
He carried out the balcony raids across Bra overnight, the newspaper said.
The man had a previous record of harassment towards a former girlfriend, La Repubblica reported.
This isn’t the first time a bra thief has struck in Italy.
In August last year, 64-year-old Renzo Cavalieri, from Modena, was arrested after stealing 17 bras worth €200 from a supermarket while on holiday in Caorle, Veneto.
The theft came just months since his release from prison after serving a year-long sentence for the same offence.
He told police: “I have no idea why I keep stealing bras”.
He carried out the balcony raids across Bra overnight, the newspaper said.
The man had a previous record of harassment towards a former girlfriend, La Repubblica reported.
This isn’t the first time a bra thief has struck in Italy.
In August last year, 64-year-old Renzo Cavalieri, from Modena, was arrested after stealing 17 bras worth €200 from a supermarket while on holiday in Caorle, Veneto.
The theft came just months since his release from prison after serving a year-long sentence for the same offence.
He told police: “I have no idea why I keep stealing bras”.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
111 Year Old Finally Gets Her High School Diploma
"Lela Burden received her degree today. The centenarian lightly clapped just before she was handed her diploma.
NewsChannel 3 first introduced to you her in May, when Doumar’s celebrated her 111th birthday with ice cream.
“I’m not old yet, I’m still a young lady,” Burden said back in May.
Burden is delightfully sharp. She remembers nearly everything about her time in school.
Schools were temporarily shut down in 1918 for a flu pandemic, by that time the teenage Burden was working two jobs and never went back to finish her education.
Decades of rich life experience taught her more than most learn in two lifetimes.
“Not any different,” she said on how she feels about being one of the world’s oldest women. “Still have your aches and pains but thank God I’m still alive.”
Source and video
The Center Of Our Galaxy Smells Like Raspberries And Rum
"Fire up Old Bessie!"
"Ever wondered what the center of the galaxy smells like? Depending on your preference, the answer could be raspberries or rum.
As improbable as this sounds, the discovery was made when astronomers from the Max Plank Institute used the IRAM radio telescope in Spain to study Sagittarius B2, a dust cloud near the center of the galaxy. The announcement was made at the time in Astrophysics and has since been confirmed with studies of similar dust clouds.
Among the chemicals for which signals were found was ethyl formate (C3H6O2), the dominant flavor in raspberries, as well as an important one in rum.
As improbable as this sounds, the discovery was made when astronomers from the Max Plank Institute used the IRAM radio telescope in Spain to study Sagittarius B2, a dust cloud near the center of the galaxy. The announcement was made at the time in Astrophysics and has since been confirmed with studies of similar dust clouds.
Among the chemicals for which signals were found was ethyl formate (C3H6O2), the dominant flavor in raspberries, as well as an important one in rum.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Dead Woman Hangs Out At Her Own Funeral With Beer And Menthol Cigarette (Probably What Killed Her)
Two New Orleans women decided to give their mother the funeral she would have wanted.
Miriam Burbank — Mae Mae to her girls — sported dark shades and New Orleans Saints-themed nail polish, according to WGNO. The Charbonet Funeral Home directors also made sure she had a case of Busch beer by her side and a menthol cigarette in hand — the things she would have enjoyed at a social gathering.
Burbank was seated at her own table below a disco ball — the guest of honor at her last party.
Source and video HERE
Mother Poisons Her Daughter To Get Facebook Likes
An Australian woman was jailed Wednesday after poisoning her daughter and posting photos of her recovery to Facebook.
The 23-year-old woman pleaded guilty to "grievous bodily harm" for poisoning her (then-healthy) daughter for nine months by feeding her chemotherapy drugs and chronicling her "fight for life" on the social network. Prosecutors accused the mother of seeking attention by posting the photos.
The chemotherapy drugs caused the child, who did not have cancer, to suffer a life-threatening bone marrow failure, requiring a bone marrow transplant, AFP reports. The girl is now in the care of her grandparents, and her mother has been sentenced to six years in jail.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Little Girl Kicked Out Of KFC Because Her Scars Scared People
(Poor girl)
Authorities said one of Donald Mullins' dogs ripped open the back door and jumped on the girl. Two other dogs dragged her into the back yard and began mauling her, investigators said. "The right side of her face is paralyzed. She's got a lot of surgeries to go through and she won't even look in the mirror anymore," said Victoria's grandmother, Kelly Mullins. "When we go to a store, she doesn't even want to get out (of the car). She's 3 years old and she's embarrassed about what she looks like. She's embarrassed and I hate it because she shouldn't be. It ain't her fault."
Victoria hadn't felt that way until last week when she was turned away from a KFC in Jackson, Mullins said. "I took her to the doctor and I went to KFC. I ordered a large sweet tea and her some mashed potatoes and gravy because she was hungry. She was on a feeding tube at the time, but I figured she could just swallow (the potatoes)," Mullins said. "They just told us, they said, 'We have to ask you to leave because her face is disrupting our customers.' (Victoria) understood exactly what they said."
Mullins said she put Victoria in the car and left. She said Victoria cried all the way home to Simpson County."
Read the rest over HERE
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Man Who Never Throws Away Trash Lives On Top Of His House After The House Becomes To Full
A man residing in Houston, Texas
let the clutter inside his house pile up so much that it became
unlivable inside. However, instead of cleaning it up, the unnamed man
constructed a makeshift room on top of his house and has been living inside of it for a year. As KPRC Local 2
reports, the man has received multiple warnings about trash outside of
the home and has even served jail time for not cleaning it up.
KPRC writes that, “city crews executed
a warrant to clean up the mess after fire inspectors deemed the home a
safety hazard.” A cleanup will commence outside the home and when it’s
complete, a lien will be placed on the property, “to pay for the extensive cleanup.”
More info: KPRC
The Caturday Report! Dozens Of Cat Lovers Show Up To Cat Kickers Court Date
(The cat is ok now and has been adopted by a loving family BTW)
“The cat can’t speak so somebody has to step up and say ‘this animal is worth it,’” stated Brooklyn author Kiri Blakeley. “The voiceless desire a voice.”
The staff of advocates from everywhere the town organized via a Fb page called Justice for King that has garnered neatly over 10,000 “likes.”
They hope Robinson, 21, will get as a minimum a year in jail – the maximum penalty under the law – whereas some said even that wasn’t enough.
“I Am here because I’m an animal lover and I Believe that if we, as a society, can not give protection to the weakest amongst us – what excellent are we?” said Margaret Lee of Manhattan, who was sporting a silver cat pin on her lapel .
Robinson is charged with misdemeanor animal torture for kicking King outdoor the Brevoort Homes in Bed-Stuy final month, sending the kitten flying 20 ft in the air.
Read it all HERE
Join the Justice For King Facebook page HERE
Walmart Madness #138! Cross-dressing Burglar Steals 18 TVs
(Please enjoy this unrelated photo)
Police have identified the cross-dressing burglar and his accomplice
who allegedly stole 18 TVs from WalMart over nearly a month period.
They managed to climb up shelving, hoist up the TVs and slip them through fabric panels that acted as the ceiling in the gardening center, police said in a report.
In all, they took 18 TVs and one desktop computer with a total value of about $10,000.
Anyone with information on the duo's whereabouts is asked to call Casselberry Police Sgt. Chris Pamatian at 407-262-7616 ext. 1005.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Cell Phone Stuck In Mans Throat. Watch The Video Of It's Removal!
The obsession with testing the limits of the human body leaves the average Joe with no choice but to get creative.
This man, well, was not so creative, and suffering a great deal of pain as he waited to be saved. It appeared that something somehow got stuck in his throat. After the surgeon made a phone call, it was pretty obvious that it was a phone when the ringtone was heard coming from his throat.
Surgeons finally managed to get the cellphone out of his throat. Yes, you’ve just witnessed another example of human body testing.
This man, well, was not so creative, and suffering a great deal of pain as he waited to be saved. It appeared that something somehow got stuck in his throat. After the surgeon made a phone call, it was pretty obvious that it was a phone when the ringtone was heard coming from his throat.
Surgeons finally managed to get the cellphone out of his throat. Yes, you’ve just witnessed another example of human body testing.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
"Man" Tries To Kill Woman Because She Looked Happy
A madman armed with a knife attacked a woman and her 8-year-old daughter outside a Chicago church because her "happiness" angered him, according to prosecutors.
The 26-year-old woman was walking with her daughter Tuesday afternoon when Jessie White, 25, reportedly walked up behind the mom and uttered, "I'm going to kill you."
White then thrust a knife to the mother's throat while the woman desperately called to her daughter, whom had been knocked to the ground, to run home and get help, The Chicago Sun Times reported.
The brave little girl obeyed her mother's orders but not before reportedly trying to hit the attacker with her backpack.
White and his victim meanwhile struggled for the knife when the blade broke from its handle.
At that moment White stabbed the weapon at her head, not knowing that the blade was gone, causing her to be struck with only the blunt handle, DNAinfo reported.
Not giving up, White allegedly dragged the woman down into a basement of an abandoned coach house after punching her to the ground.
Cook County prosecutor Erin Antonietti said White knew the basement was unlocked because he had gone in there to urinate earlier in the day.
"I'm going to kill you. I have to kill you," he allegedly shouted while beating and strangling her on the floor inside.
Spider-Man Statue With Erection Removed From Playground Area
(Another way to sling some webs?)
He explained why he'd given Spider Man a boner on his Facebook page, which was translated by Kotaku:
"I am the artist who made this piece. My reason for it was that I wanted apply the natural physical phenomenon to a superhero depict whats's natural in the morning without lies and superficial-ness in a comical way."
Walmart Madness #137! Police Looking For Vile Flasher
Police are looking for a man they say exposed himself on Monday to two young girls at the Wal-Mart in West Ashley, Charleston, South Carolina.
According to police, the incident happened sometime after 7 p.m. Monday. Surveillance cameras show the man followed two young girls into the store and up and down several aisles before they stopped to look at toys.
That's when the man walked down the aisle towards them and exposed himself, police said. He left through the garden area and drove away in a white pickup truck.
Police describe the suspect as a white man in his 30s with a bald or shaved head. He was wearing a dark red shirt.
Anyone with information on the identity of the suspect can call Crime Stoppers at 554-1111.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Man Arrested Yet Again For Having Sex With A Pool Float
Edwin Tobergta, 35, was arrested Wednesday morning after a witness observed him standing naked on Route 4 in Hamilton simulating sex with a pink pool floatation device. According to the police report, the witness said he was in full view of nearby businesses and passing cars.
He was charged with public indecency and contempt of court.
(Edwin Tobergta, please leave him a message)
In August of 2011 he was arrested for a similar offense involving having sex with a pink swimming pool raft.
In 2002, he was caught having sex with an inflatable pumpkin that was part of a Halloween display.
Man Tries To Shoot The Moon. Fails.
An Arizona man was arrested Friday night after he told police he was "trying to shoot the moon" with his handgun.
Cameron Read's girlfriend called Prescott Valley police after he allegedly fired several shots and "spoke of seeing Halley's Comet," the Republic reported.
When police arrived, the 39-year-old resisted arrest, caused damage and was taken into custody forcefully.
PVPD spokesman Sgt. Brandon Bonney said Read admitted to "firing the weapon multiple times and trying to shoot the moon," according to AZ Family.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Fukushima Makes It's Own Pharrell Williams "Happy" Song Video
With a cameo from Fukushima’s mayor and a cast of characters showcasing the region’s social vibrancy, Hitomi Kumasaka’s clip put a Japanese spin on Pharrell Williams’ global chart topper:
"Fukushima is also happy !!
Many people might think that Fukushima has been unhappy after 311. But it's not true.
With this video I want you to know that we are also happy and healthy just like you. Please enjoy our dance and share our happiness !
Many thanks to Pharell for this great song.
I love the comment bellow by Mark Barrie via Guy Kawasaki.
"Awesome. What a reminder that happiness is a choice not a situation."
Now You Can Have Your Cake, And Drink It Too
"'Mizu shingen mochi' literally translates into 'the water cake' in Japanese. The original Shingen mochi is an extremely famous dessert - a delectable rice cake usually topped with soya bean powder and brown sugar syrup. It is an exclusive trademark product of a Japanese company, Kinseiken Seika. Technique wise, Mizu shingen mochi borrows closely from shingen mochi, but melts in your mouth quicker. This water cake is prepared with fresh water sourced from Mount Kaikoma - the Southern Japanese's Alps.
This cake is so delicate that it loses its form in just 30 minutes or as and when it is taken at room temperature. The sweet delicacy melts into your mouth as soon as it touches the tongue. Mizu shingen mochi was first introduced last year during summers and after its smashing popularity, it has been brought into the market again this year. It will be available at the Kinseiken Seika store in Yamanashi, Japan, till the end of this September."
Sure. Since this is going viral I'm sure we will be seeing it other places soon. I want to try it!
Read more about it HERE
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Male Guinea Pig Breaks Into Female Enclosure, Gets 100 Pregnant!
They noticed that the exhausted father-to-be, now nicknamed Randy, had lost a little weight, but did not realise why until they discovered he was actually a male rodent being kept busy in the wrong pen.
"We don't know how long Randy was in the female enclosure but it could have been several weeks which would have given him time to go round the entire female population.
"Staff did comment he looked a little thinner than before. He has now re-joined his male friends, clearly he's got a lot of bragging to do."
Read more about randy Randy HERE
School Aide Feeds Little Kids Doggie Treats
(Now little Bobby is hopelessly addicted)
About 75 fourth-graders at New Hanover-Upper Frederick Elementary School received the pet treats during recess Thursday. No injuries were reported.
Student Gabriel Moore tells WFMZ-TV the aide first joked they were dog treats, then told students they were actually cookies. Gabriel ate three.
Boyertown Area School District officials notified parents Friday. They didn't disclose the type of pet treat but said the ingredients would only be harmful to people with certain food allergies.
Still, Gabriel's father, David Moore, says the part-time aide should be "penalized pretty bad."
The aide has been suspended pending an internal investigation.
Student Gabriel Moore tells WFMZ-TV the aide first joked they were dog treats, then told students they were actually cookies. Gabriel ate three.
Boyertown Area School District officials notified parents Friday. They didn't disclose the type of pet treat but said the ingredients would only be harmful to people with certain food allergies.
Still, Gabriel's father, David Moore, says the part-time aide should be "penalized pretty bad."
The aide has been suspended pending an internal investigation.
Man In Crotchless Pants Smashes Through Sex Shop Ceiling, Attacks Manager With Dildos
Police say the 34-year-old man forced his way through the ceiling of the store in the northern suburb of Aspley in the early hours of Saturday morning.
The female manager of the store was alerted when the man set off an alarm.
When the owner confronted the man, who was wearing a wig, dress and crotchless pants, he allegedly threw a number of sex toys at the woman.
The thief climbed back through the ceiling and onto the roof where he was arrested by police.
The Murrumba Downs man has been charged with break and enter and possessing dangerous drugs.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Lily The Doggie Gets Hit By Train Pulling Unconscious Owner Off Railroad Tracks
David Lanteigne has adored this pit bull since recuing Lilly from a shelter to be a companion for his mom who suffers from alcoholism.
"We saved her life and she saved my mom's life," he said.
It was midnight last Wednesday when his mom fell unconscious on train tracks in Shirley.
"Lilly was either pushing or pulling my mother off the tracks," said Lanteigne. "There wasn't enough time and that just prior to the train making impact Lilly had intentionally gotten between the train and my mother and had taken the hit."
The entire hit. Eight-year-old Lilly suffered severe trauma. David's mother was uninjured.
[Reporter]: "Will this dog be able to walk again?"
"Yes she should be able to walk quite well. They accommodate quite well to having a front limb amputation," said the veterinarian.
Lanteigne, a Boston police officer, will be with her every step of the way.
Semen Spraying Squirt Sidearm Sicko
(Sex. you're doing it wrong.)
"Authorities say lab tests show semen was sprayed on two victims in squirt gun incidents in Albuquerque.
police say samples collected from two victims who were sprayed by a man
in February tested positive for "male bodily fluids."
Police say 35-year-old Kevin Jaramillo was arrested more than a week after several children reported being squirted and filmed by a stranger.
He bonded out of jail last month. It was unclear Thursday if Jaramillo has a lawyer.
A criminal complaint in March showed Jaramillo was facing eight counts of child abuse along with other charges.
Police say an 18-year-old victim told police Jaramillo admitted there was semen inside the water gun that he squirted at her."
Police say 35-year-old Kevin Jaramillo was arrested more than a week after several children reported being squirted and filmed by a stranger.
He bonded out of jail last month. It was unclear Thursday if Jaramillo has a lawyer.
A criminal complaint in March showed Jaramillo was facing eight counts of child abuse along with other charges.
Police say an 18-year-old victim told police Jaramillo admitted there was semen inside the water gun that he squirted at her."
Pig The Dog Is Happy And Relatively Healthy Despite Long Odds
(Nope, not a photoshop!)
"Pig's veterinarians, Drs. David Fuller and Rachael Hudson at Hope
Animal Clinic, say Dillenbeck is doing everything right for Pig.
Yet, Pig runs and is good at standing up on her hind legs, and she is in no obvious pain.
"The only time she ever cried out was when I got her (micro)chipped. Or when I accidentally stepped on her toe -- and you have to step on it really hard," Dillenbeck said. "But she's vocal. She barks when she wants your attention. She makes a weird sort of sound when she's playful."
Dillenbeck makes sure Pig eats slowly so she can swallow her food. Pig has choked before, and "I've actually had to Heimlich her a couple of times," Dillenbeck said. "She doesn't have the space in her to eat large meals without getting out of breath because her lungs are crowded."
Though Dillenbeck's other animals are spayed or neutered, Pig hasn't been spayed because the veterinarians do not want to put her under anesthesia.
"I don't expect she'll ever get out of my control and get a boyfriend," Dillenbeck said.
Pig's prognosis? Dillenbeck said Dr. Fuller doesn't really know. "They've never seen anything like it, and they say it's going to be interesting."
It has already been interesting.
"I think he (Fuller) knows as well as I do that whatever time we get with her is our gift," Dillenbeck said.
But, Dillenbeck adds: "I'm the lucky one. She makes me laugh every day."
Read more about Pig and see photos HERE
The Caturday Report! Lily The Cat Survives 12 Days Trapped In Sewer
"I appreciate what they did for her today, because I was worried," Perez said as she walked home in the rain with Lilly still safely in the cagelike trap that caught her.
Perez, who lives just a few doors north on Sixth Street, said city animal control officers set the trap in the sewer earlier Wednesday.
The firefighters hesitated to go out Wednesday night because they had gone out twice before looking for Lilly. But with the cat trapped, they knew they could retrieve her quickly.
As the cat belted out urgent meows, audible a half block away, two Allentown firetrucks rolled up and firefighters jumped out to remove the heavy sewer grate.
Two firefighters hooked the grate with crowbars. A third man pushed it by hand. Together they cleared a path down to the cat. One reached in and lifted out the trap, Lilly and all.
Gray and black, skinny and small, Lily ran outside May 23 during a housing inspection, Perez said.
"The housing inspector came and they left the front door open," she said. "She escaped but I don't how she got down there" in the sewer.
When firefighters tried to find Lilly that night, the cat apparently was scared away by the sound of hammers knocking away the bits of pavement that had sealed shut the two sewer grates on the west corners of the intersection.
By the time the grates were removed that night, Lilly was gone and her meows had stopped. It wasn't until the trap was set, with food, that she showed up again."
Friday, June 6, 2014
George Martin Will Kill You For $20,000.00 - Even Though He Kills Everyone Else For Free
From the donation site $20,000.00 level:
"At this level, you'll get the incredibly exclusive opportunity to have George name a character after you in a future A Song of Ice and Fire novel. There is one male character and one female character available. You can choose your character's station in the world (lordling, knight, peasant, whore, lady, maester, septon, anything) and you will certainly meet a grisly death!"
Turns out he's a real wolf lover! Here is his letter he posted:
"Hi everyone,
It's George R.R. Martin, and I'm here to raise money for the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary and The Food Depot of Santa Fe.
you make a small donation to my campaign, you will automatically be
entered to win an incredible experience. You and a friend will be flown
out (from wherever you are in the world) to meet me in Santa Fé, where
we'll share a helicopter ride to the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary.
In addition to touring the Sanctuary together, we'll also have plenty of time to discuss the show, A Song of Ice and Fire, direwolves - and if there's anything you have ever wanted to ask me, here's your chance!
In addition to touring the Sanctuary together, we'll also have plenty of time to discuss the show, A Song of Ice and Fire, direwolves - and if there's anything you have ever wanted to ask me, here's your chance!
Thank you for supporting my campaign. I look forward to meeting one of you!
Visit the charity campaign site HERE
Fox Steals Shoes, Delivers Them To Woman
"The problem has become so bad that Elaine Hewitt has been forced to put a shoe rack outside her home in Horsforth so neighbours can reclaim their missing footwear.
Ms Hewitt said the vulpine crimewave began a few months ago when she found a single shoe in her back garden.
The fox is now leaving a shoe a day, ranging from sandals to work boots.
Ms Hewitt, who has seen the fox carrying shoes, said the animal favoured leather footwear and the shoes are not chewed or damaged."
Read more about this heinous crime wave at the BBC
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Pet Poop Painter Plagiarized
"An artist has been spraypainting dog droppings on Bushwick sidewalks
gold for nearly a year and a copycat vandal has now begun making her or
his own mark on neighborhood dung. The competitor’s intentions are
murky, but the message of the original is right under viewers’ noses,
said the graffitist, who goes by the moniker Gold Poo.
“It is a commentary,” he said. “I am saying, ‘We are all attracted to shiny things, but nine times out of 10, it is all s--- underneath.’ ”
The tagger has been at it for nine months and says an impostor hit the scene last week, only instead of blasting the excreta with aerosol, the mystery rival is coating it in gold glitter. Poo wants the world to know he is not responsible for the supposed latest form of guerilla gilding.
“Glitter is not my thing,” he said. “I am strictly spraypaint.”
The painter said he is not upset about the purported emulation, though."
“It is a commentary,” he said. “I am saying, ‘We are all attracted to shiny things, but nine times out of 10, it is all s--- underneath.’ ”
The tagger has been at it for nine months and says an impostor hit the scene last week, only instead of blasting the excreta with aerosol, the mystery rival is coating it in gold glitter. Poo wants the world to know he is not responsible for the supposed latest form of guerilla gilding.
“Glitter is not my thing,” he said. “I am strictly spraypaint.”
The painter said he is not upset about the purported emulation, though."
Man In Gorilla Suit Shot With Tranquilizer Dart
"Don't trank me bro!"
The employee was running around the park mimicking an escaped gorilla when the veterinarian spied him and, apparently uninformed about the drill, shot him in the leg with a tranquilizer dose meant to take down a 400-pound gorilla. The employee had an allergic reaction to the dose and was taken to University Hospital of the Canary Islands, where he is in serious condition."
Read it all over at THE DODO
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Man Buys Penis Enlarger, Gets A Magnifying Glass Instead
"MCA Public Service and Complaint Bureau chairman Datuk Seri Michael Chong said Tuesday that the disgruntled customer, known only as Ong from Seri Kembangan, had paid RM450 for the penis enlarger.
“When he received the package, he was shocked to find a magnifying glass inside.
“The instructions that came with the package merely read ‘Do not use in sunlight’,” he said.
Chong told reporters that Ong was one of many who have fallen prey to online scams of this sort.
“Men and women are equally vulnerable to these scams. Three people lost a total of more than RM80,000 to these scams this year alone,” he said.
Chong added that scammers lure their victims by selling their products at a low price and very often, the items never get to their customers."
91 Year Old Sets Marathon Record
She is looking quite fit!
The previous record was held by a 90-year-old runner who finished a marathon in 8:53:08, KNSD reported.
Thompson also became the second-oldest marathon finisher in U.S. history — the oldest was 92 years old — reported.
Thompson started running marathons when she was 76 years old and has run one every year since. Sunday's race was Thompson's 15th marathon, Runner's World reported.
"You're never too old to do it," she told the magazine."
Read her interview over at THV11
Man Steals $350,000.00 Of Human Skin
Maybe He Had A Human Skin Shoe Hobby?
"Gary Dudek, 54, is accused of
stealing sheets of lab-grown skin intended for use in skin-graft
surgeries from Mercy Philadelphia Hospital between November 2011 and
July 2013, a local police spokeswoman said.
The hospital said in a statement that it called the police after an
audit revealed "illegal or improper behavior" from a vendor supplying
the skin, which is artificially grown in a laboratory out of human skin
Eugene Tinari,
Dudek's lawyer, said his client had done "nothing that amounts to
criminality." He called the charges draconian and said they were better
dealt with in a civil rather than criminal case.
"There's a fine line between misplacing, and errors, and stealing," he
said. "What would he want skin grafts for?" Tinari declined to go into
further detail.
worked as a sales representative specializing in tissue regeneration for
Organogenesis, a Massachusetts-based biotech firm that engineers skin
tissue for use in grafting."
Read more over at YAHOO NEWS
Walmart Madness #136! Woman Steals Bible

According to cops, Frances Thomas, 33, was spotted by a store employee placing the Good Book in her purse while she was inside the Spartanburg store. Thomas, seen above, also allegedly pinched some cheese and socks.
After departing Walmart, Thomas was corralled by loss prevention officers, who later turned her over to police. She was cited

The Bible and the other items “were recovered and are resellable,” cops noted."
Read the police report over at THE SMOKING GUN
Monday, June 2, 2014
The World Toe Wrestling Championships "Kick" Off In Derbyshire
Toe Jitsu!
The world toe wrestling championships kicked off in a Derbyshire pub
this weekend, while the Cotswold Olympicks shin-kicking contest took
place. Report by Sarah Kerr:
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